Robert Leo Van Auken, b 20 Mar 1929, son of Leo Benjamin Van Auken an d Beatrice Viola Krause.
Baptized:13 Jun 1937, Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Married: 1st, Yvonne Skipworth and had two children, Bobby and Bonnie.
The marriage lasted five years of which they were togethe r about three years.
2nd Joyce E. Hensley, 7 Feb 1958 and had six children, tw o sets of
twins and two singles.
Robert went into the service at the age of sixteen and stayed until h is retirement at twenty years. He then worked for Philco Ford,1967-19 69 in the AUTODIN department installing and training the military t o use the system.
He was in the Philippines for eighteen monts and in Germany t he same amount of time. In 1970/71 he went to work for ITT on a mili tary contract in Vietenam training personnel in the use of electroni cs.
He then went to work for the City of Weatherford, as Park Sup ervisor for eight years and finely for 3M for another twelve years a nd retired.
In November 1986 Robert had a Bi-lateral Aortia bypass on hi s legs and in March 1991 had a heart attact and was hospitalized i n Weatherford for one week then transfered to Deconess Hospital i n Oklahoma City, and on 9 Apr 1991 he had a double by pass for hi s heart.
CHURCH:Robert and Joyce belonged to the Hinton Baptist Church, when t hey moved they joined the Trinity Baptist Church by letter from Hint on on 4/73.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amze-Leo-Robert L
Barry Joe Van Auken b 27 Oct 1958 son of Robert Leo Van Auken and Joy ce
Elaine Hensley.
Married: 27 Jun 1979, at Indian Springs, Clark County, Nevada, to Mic hele Ann Kolker of Melbourn, Brevard County, Florida.
Note:Barry Joe and Larry Bob, first set of twins for Robert & Joyce . Like his twin brother he joined the United States Air Force thre e days after graduating from high school. While in school he was ver y active in sports, Football, Basketball, Baseball and Bowling.
NOTE: Received 21 Aug 1999 3;10PM
I got a new job in April. I don't like it much, its kind of bor ing. I'm the Superontendent of the Management and Systems Flight . I make sure that the external and internal computer programs are u sed and running properly, and I take care of all the manning issue s for the Squardon. I also fill in as First Sergeant when he goes o n leave or TDY.
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Robe rt L-
Barry J
!Benjamin Van Auken b.30 June 1839 Delaware, Pike County, Pennsylvania
son of Jacob Courtright Van Auken & Sarah Hanna.
!Married: m Mary Rachel Lee, had one child Amzie.
!Died d.2 Jun 1907, Miners Asma. Occupation: Coal Miner,
!NOTE:Courthouse Annex Rrecords, Marriage License Office, Wilks-Barre , Penna. Proof that Benjamin Van Auken, born ["Monroe County, o n June 30 1846"] residing in Plymouth and working as a miner , wife died. Annie Phillis born in Plymouth and residing ther e as a housekeeper was born on Dec 12 1855, d 26 Jan 1904 Burie d Shawnee Cemetery. License issued on Nov 25 1896. No return . Benjamin place of birth and year differ.??? Could be the sa me person???
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin
Leo Benjamin Van Auken, b 3 Aug 1898, son of Amzie Van Auken & Sabin a Pursel. Leo was living in Berwick and Beatrice Viola Krause was li ving across the river in a town called Nescopeck, Luzern County, Penn sylvania at the time they ran off to Maryland to get married. It see ms Beatrice had a brother living in Hagerstown, Maryland, and Beatri ce's father would not allow them to get married, although she was o f age. Marriage Certificate gives age as 21. After marriage they liv ed in Berwick and raised three children. Leo was never allowed to ent er his father-in-laws house, before or after they were married.
DEATH: Leo took his son Robert (thats me) to town to buy him a pair o f high top boots with a place for a pocket knife in the top of the bo ot. They got cought in a hard rain storm and Leo came down with pneu monia and was about cured when Spine-a-meningitia set in and they co uld not cure him. Leo died and in three months his doctor and the F uneral Director died.. Strange..
WORK:Leo worked as a Shear Operator at the American Car and Foundry C ompany in Berwick.
OBIT: Leo Benjamin Van Auken, born 3 Aug 1898, died 13 Apr 1937, Berw ick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Waln ut Street, Berwick, Services from Seriff Funeral Home in charge of R ev. A. D. Knoble. First Reformed Church.
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo
Amzie Van Auken, b 9 Nov 1863, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Mary Rache l Lee
Married: Abt 1887 Sabina Purcel
Ref: 1 Jun 1900 Pennsylvania Census, Lazaren County states
mother having seven Children with four living, all bor n Pennsylvania.
Ref: Wilks-Barre Penna. Osterhout Library, Newspaper Microf ilm,
County histories on microfilm and record Almanace, Frederic ks
Funeral Home Burial records. Methodist Church Records and
Department of Vital Statistics Death records.
Courthouse Annex Marriage License Office shows that Amzie V an Auken
born in Plymouth, Luzern County, Pennsylvania, 9 Nov, 186 4 and was
a resident of Plymouth and a coal miner by trade. He file d for
marriage with an Agnes Brittian who was born in Plymouth o n 12 Feb
1880 and was a factory worker. The license was issued o n 3 Aug 1901.
No return was ever filed, no divorce papers found. Deat h Certificate shows married to Sabina at time o f death, 8 Aug 1932. On Sabina's Death Certificate it sho ws Widowed at time of death 25 April 1934.
Obit: Amzie Van Auken, 69 who died of complications at his home o n Curry
Hill, Plymouty on monday night will be buried this afternoo n at 4
o'clock with services at which Rev. William F. Paul, pasto r of
Franklin Street P.M. church will officiate. Interment wil l be in Shawnee cemetery. Surviving are his wife and fou r children.
Died: 8 Aug 1932, Plymouth, Luzerne County, buried Shawnee Cemeter y,
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie
Sevina (Sybana) Pursel, b 13 Sep 1867, daughter of William Pursel and
Elizabeth Fox.
William Pursel and Elizabeth Fox
William Pursel born 1836 married Elizabeth Fox born 1838. The y were living in Mt. Pleasant Twp. in 1870 and 1880. Their children:
1. George W. pursel born 1858 ot 1856 married 1st Amanda W. born 184 6 died 1891 and married 2nd Sep. 22, 1892 Susanna (Mrs. Johnson, a wi ddow). in 1880 they were living in Scott Twp.
Married: Amzie Van Auken, abt 1887 and had seven children of which fo ur
lived. Never found other three children, names or burial p lace.
Died:Funeral Services from Kelchner Funeral Home in charge of Rev. I . Ed
Stover, Interment in Almedia Cemetery, Columbia County , Pennsylvania.
A member of the Calvery Methodest Episcopel Church.
Ref:1 Jun 1900 Census shows marriage for 13 years. Seven c hildren,
four living.
!Mary Van Auken, b 11 Nov 1892, daughter of Amzie Van Auken & Sabin a Pursel.
!Married: Henry Hutton and had two children:
1. Raymond William (Buzz) C. Hutton, raised by Aunt Susan i n Berwick, Columbia
County, Pennsylvania after death of mother about 1935/7 . Died in
far east WW 11 as Lt. US Army. 2. Raymond Hutton, no inf ormation.
Mary died abt 1935/7, buried Malbury Street Cemetery, Ber wick,
Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac C-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob-Benjamin-Amzie-Mary
!Arthur David Van Auken, b Jul 1895, son of Amzie Van Auken & Sabin a Pursel,
!Married:Daisy Gladiola Hess
!Died: 1939, buried, Pine Grove Cemetery, Walnut Street, Berwick, Col umbia
County, Pennsylvania next to spouse, Daisy Gladiola Hess.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Arthur D
!NOTE:Obituary for Arthur Van Auken
War Veteran Dies Suddenly-Arthur Van Auken taken seriously il l yester-
day afternoon and death follows at 10 P.M.
Taken seriously ill yesterday afternoon after being ill since T uesday, Arthur Van Auken 43, of Maple Street, Berwick, Pennsyl vania, a World War I veteran died last night at 10 o'clock a t the Berwick Hospital. A complication of diseases was the cau se of death.
He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Range r Fire
Company, Berwick lodge of the Moose. During the World War he se rved a
year in France with the American Expeditionary forces and was e xposed to Gas.
A native of Plymouth, he had resided at Berwick most of his lif e. Surviving are his wife, and three sons, Glen of Presco tt, Ariz. Dale
and Albert at home and a daughter Miss Evelyn also of the home . A
sister Mrs William Rood of Berwick also servives.
Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'cloc k at the Seriff Funeral Home. Rev A. D. Knoebel, of First Ref ormed Church will officiate and interment will be made in Pin e Grove Cemetery. Friends may visit the funeral home Saturda y evening from 7 to 9 o'clock.
!Susana Van Auken, daughter of Amzie Van Auken and Sabina Pursel, b M ar
!Married: (1st)????? Humphry, Two Children:
1. Thelma Humphry 2. Joe Humphry no other information a vailable.
(2nd)William Rood no Children.
!Died: ???, buried St Petersburg, Hillsborough County, Florida.
!Line:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Suzana
Michele Ann Kolker, daughter of John L Kolker and Anna L Hall, b 12 M ar 1960
in Fontianbleau, France.
Married:Barry J Van Auken 27 Jun 1979 at Indian Springs, Clark County , Nevada.
NOTE:Michele's Father John L Kolker was in the United States Militar y Service
when she was born.
!Mary Rachel Lee, b ca 1833 Lehman (Pike or Luzerne County, Pa
!Married:Benjamin Van Auken b.30 June 1839 Delaware, Pike County,
Pennsylvania, son of Jacob Courtright Van Auken & Sarah Hann ah.
!Died:9 April 1896, Plymouth, Luzerne County, buried Shawbee Cemetery,
!Note:Courthouse Annex Rrecords, Marriage License Office, Wilks-Barr e,
Pennsylvania. Proof that Benjamin Van Auken, born ["Monroe Cou nty, on
June 30 1846"] residing in Plymouth and working as a miner, wi fe died.
Annie Phillis born in Plymouth and residing there as a houseke eper was
born on Dec 12 1855, d 26 Jan 1904 Buried Shawnee Cemetery. Lic ense
issued on Nov 25 1896. No return. Benjamin place of birth and y ear
differ.??? Could be the same person???
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin
Isaac Van Auken, son of Joseph Van Auken & Elizabeth Westfall
Baptised:28 Aug 1772. Ref: Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Records. 17 16-1830
Married: 1795, Elizabeth Courtright
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 58 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279 and Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, M Ichigan.
V.A. Family Bible History of Brooklyn, Penna. by e.a. Westo n pg 165.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac
!Phebe Denmark Van Aken, b 24 Mar 1798, daughter of Isaac Van Aken and
Elizabeth Cortright.
!Married: James Cole prior to 1815
Abraham Van Auken bp 13 Jan 1805, d 1834, son of Isaac Van Auken and
Elizabeth Cortright.
Baptised:13 Jan 1805
Ref:Sussex County, Wantage, Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Chu rch.
Married 1827 Miriam or Myriam Van Auken.
Amos Van Auken, b 21 May 1807, Orange Coonty, son of Isaac Van Auken &
Elizabeth Courtright.
Baptised:21 Aug 1807, Deerpark, Orange County New York.
Married:1st Susan Wainwright Havens, 9 Aug 1827, Minisink Church, Mon tague,
Sussex County, New Jersey.
2nd, Adaline Newton.
Died: 3 Mar 1882 at Rush, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, while i t was still part of Luzerne County. age 74-9-12
Buried: Old Cemetery, Brooklyn, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
Ref:1860 Censes, Bradford County, Pike Township, lists Amos as livin g with
Nicholas De Pue age 54 and Hannah De Pue age 56, Sylvia Newton a ge 70.
Amos age 58, Adeline Newton wife age 38, children:
1. Lander son age 10 2. Fayette son age 9 3. Ithaman son age 7
4. Langene son age 5 Ref:Glorya Welch La Mirada, Calif. Robert a Scheflen, New Jersey.
1830-1850 Brooklyn, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. 1860 Bra dford,
Pike County, Pennsylvania with Nicholas & Hanna Depue and Sylvi a Newton
b. 1790 New York. ( mother-in-law). 1880 Susquehanna County,
!Benjamin Westbrook Van Auken, b 21 Oct 1814, son of Isaac Van Auke n and
Elizabeth Courtright.
!Baptised:16 Jul 1815 by Rev Charles Hardenbergh, Machackemeck Reform ed Dutch
Church (Deerpark). pg 251
!Married:Susan Safford, 27 Apr 1834 Brooklyn, Susquahanna County , Pennsylvania Daughter of Olive Tracy & Elish a L Safford
!Died:19 Jan 1884, Brooklyn, burried Brooklyn, Old Cemetery Susquehan na County, Pennsylvania.
!Martha Van Auken, b 1834, daughter of Jacob Van Auken and Sarah Hanna
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Issac-Jacob C-Martha
|Julian Van Auken, b 1836, daughter of Jacob Van Auken and Sarah Hanna
!Married:W.E. Winn
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Issac-Jacob C-Julian
!Not sure of this marriage to W.E. Winn of Chicago Ill.
!Elizabeth Westfaal, b 1744, daughter of Johannes Westfall & Apollonia
Kortregh (Kortright/Cortright).
!Baptized:23 Apr 1744 Machackemeck Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark, O range
County, New York. Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church
Records 1716-1800, Heritage Classic Book dated 1913, pp 107,
Baptized by D.G. W. Manzius. Witnesses: Johannes Decker, L izabeth
De Witt.
!Married: Joseph Van Auken Machackemeck Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpa rk, Orange County, New York.
Joyce Elaine Hensley, b 16 May 1937, was born in Calumet, Maple Towns hip, Canadian County, Oklahoma, the daughter of Jesse Mathes Hensle y & Bessie Lenora Wyatt.
Baptized: Hinton Baptist Church, Hinton, Caddo County, Oklahoma.
Marriage:7 Febrary 1958, to Robert Leo Van Auken, 1st. Methodist Chur ch, Clinton, Custer County, Oklahoma, by Rev. F. Lee Willshire. Witn esses: Wayne Miller, Joyce Miller.
NOTE:She was born in a dug out and lived there untill she was six yea rs old. A Whole in the side of a hill. She went to school in Blu e Ridge, El Reno and East Walnut where she graduated. She was very i nterested in Basketball, and was a guard.
After school she went to work as a Governess for the Post Maste r of Clinton, Custer County, Oklahoma. Robert, her husband was in t he Air Air Force and stationed at Clinton Sherman Air Force Base whe n they met.. They had six children. Two sets of twin boys, Barry, Lar ry, Keith and Kent. Kent lived three days, and Joyce never got the c hance to hold or feed him. A single boy Bradly and a girl Heather. W hile raising her own children she continued to take care of childre n for Military personal and after her children were grown she opene d a Day Care Home for children.
Birth Certific:State Department of Oklahoma,Registration Dist. No. 09 251,
Primary Dist No 9-13487 Registered No. 102.
!Jannetie Van Aken, b 1764, daughter of Joseph Van Auken & Elizabet h Westfall.
!Married:James Cortright and had four children. 1. Jane or James Cort right
2. Mary 3. Elizabeth Chambers Cortright 4. Levi Van Aken Cor tright
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Recoed Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ul ster
Vol. 5 pg. 279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Jannetie
!Gretjie Van Aken, b 1766, daughter of Joseph Van Aukem & Elizabeth W estfall.
!Married:John Quick and had six children.
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ul ster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
Sarah Van Aken, b 16 Aug 1782, daughter of Joseph Van Auken & Elizabe th
Baptized:16 Aug 1782, Maheckemack Dutch Reformed Church Records 1716-
1830, Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records p 1 78,
Witnesses:Jacobus Van Sickkle, Sara Van Aken.
Married:Leonard Middagh.
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster Vol . 5
pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!Marie Van Auken, b 6 Feb 1932, daughter of Leo Benjamin Van Auken and
Beatrice Viola Krause.
|Baptism:Evengelical & Reformed Church, Vine & Second Street, Berwick,
Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
|Birth Certificate:Copied from owner Family Bible.
Ref:Vital Statistics, Record of Birth, Harrisburg, Pennsylva nia.
!Marriage:20 Jun 1953, Jack Richard Sitler, Berwick, Columbia County , Penna.
|Marie Van Auken had quite a childhood with her brother Bob. When sh e was
10 years old, Mother left Bob in charge of her while she accom panied
Shirley to the hospital. Shirley was having her first child , Yvonne.
During this time, Marie tickeled Bob from behind and he turne d and
caught her with his elbow and slamed her into the wall and kno cked
out her top front teeth. Needless to say what happened to Bo b when
Mom found out.
|LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Mar ie
|Jack R Sitler, b 12 Mar 1928, Son of James W Sitler & Mary E Berli n grew
!Married: Marie Van Auken 20 Jun 1953 at Berwick Columbia County,
!Jack grew up in Berwick and after graduating fron High School, join d the
U. S. Army for Three years, going to Germany. After leaving th e service
he worked a few years as a garbage collector and finely becam e a butcher
in the meat market for most of his life. In the last few year s he worked
as a maintance man for a group of doctors.
|Died: 1 Jan 1994, Buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Walnut Street, Berwick , Columbia
County, Pennsylvania.
|Birth: Copy from family records. Family Bible
|Death:Cemetery Records & Funeral Home.
|Susanna Wainwright Havens, b 20 May 1806
!Married: Amos Van Auken, 9 Aug 1827, Minisink Dutch Reformed Church , Montague,
Sussex County, New Jersey.
!Died:25 Jan 1848, Buried Old Cemetery, Brooklyn, Suswuehanna County,
Pennsylvania. age 42-8-5
Susan Safford, b 22 Jan 1815, daughter of Elisha Safford.
Baptised:Brooklyn, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania
Married:Benjamin Westbrook Van Auken, 27 Apr 1834, Brooklyn, Susquaha nna
County, Pennsylvania. Son of Isaac Van Auken & Elizabeth Cou rtright.
Died:3 Apr 1896, Brooklyn, burried Brooklyn Old Cemetery, Susquehanna a County
Margriet Van Garden, daughter of Harmon Van Garden & Elsje Cottebek,
Baptised:18 Jun 1734, Minisink Dutch Reformed Church, Montague, Susses
County, New York, later became New Jersey in 1769.
Married: Jacob Van Aken,10 Apr 1752, at Machackemack, Dutch Reforme d Church
Sussex County, New Jersey. Banns posted 8 Mar 1752, Jaco b Van Aken
young man, born at Rochester to Margriet van Garden, youn g woman,
born at Shippekonk and both dwelling there, married the 1 0 of April 1752.
Ref. Marriage Records 1739-1797, taken from a pamphlet by R ev. J.P.
Ten Eyck, printed 1877. Marriage ceremonies performed by J .C.
Fryenmuth. Ref.Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church record s, 1716 -1830, pg 268.
Died:2 Feb ???? Middle Smithfield, Pike County Pennsylvania
Note: Olde Ulster also lists Children Lisabeth bp 3 Nov 1754, and
Femmentje baptized 13 Feb 1756. Baptized by D G W Manzius at
Machackemeck (Deerpark) as children of this couple. It is be lieved
this is in error and the children belong to Johannes Van Auke n, [son
of Cornelis] and Maria Van Garden. Margriet being born in 173 4 and
would be 40 in 1777, and only six months between Elssie 1776 a nd
Elizabeth 1777. 1790 Census of Lower Smithfield, Northampto n County
Pennsylvania shows Jacob as living beside his sons. 1800 livin g in
Wayne County, Pennsylvania (a male 16-26)
Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Church.
Glorya Welch, California
Kenten Alan Van Auken, b 23 Nov 1993, son of Keith Alan Van Auken
& Molly Ann Holland.
Note:Was named for his Uncle Kent, a twin to his father, whom live d only
three days.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-
Robert L-Keith-Kenten
Jacob J Van Auken b 1 May 1786, son of Jacobus Van Auken & Jan e Decker
Baptised: 11 Jun 1786, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisin k Valley
Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg36.
Married: Hanna Brooks and has seven children.
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.
!Elshe Van Auken, daughter of Jacob Van Auken & Margriet Van Garden.
!Baptized 8 Dec 1776, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Walpack, Sussex,
County, New Jersey.
Ref: Walpack Dutch Reformed Church Records 1716 to 1830 pg28
!Line Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Elshe
Hannd Wood
Married:in 1786 to Harmanus Van Auken, son of Jacob Van Auken and Mar griet
Van Garden.
!Abraham VAN AUKEN, b. abt 1752, son of Jacob VAN AUKEN & Margriet VA N GARDEN.
!Baptized: 14 Jan 1753, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New Jersey by Rev. JC Fryenmoents, minister of the w ord of God beginning his lawful service. Witnesses : Isaac Van Aken and Rachel De Witt, his wife.
Ref:[ Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913 ] Minisink Valley Re formed
Dutch Church Records. 1716-1830 , pg126
!LINE: Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Abraham
Elizabeth Van Auken, bp 8 Jun 1777 daughter of Jacob Van Auken and
Margriet Van Garden,
Baptized:8 Jun 1777, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County Ne w Jersey.
Ref:Heritage books, pg 28, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Churc h Records 1716-1830.
Married:Joshua Westbrook and had 4 children: 1. Margaret 2. Sara 3.
John 4. Rachel Ref: Dutch Reformed Church, Walpack, Susse x County,
New Jersey
Jacobus Van Auken, Son of Jacob Van Auken & Margaret Van Garden,
Baptized: 2 Feb 1755, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County, N ew Jersey by Rev. Mr. Fryenmoents handwriting, WITNES SES: Jacobus van Garden & Lizabeth van Garden. Ref:[Book , A Heritage Classic dated 1913 Minisink Valley Reforme d Dutch Church Records. 1716-1830, page 15
NOTE:Resided in Walpack, Sussex County, New Jersey. All c hildren
Baptized Dutch Reformed Church.
Married: Jannetje Decker.
Benjamin Van Auken, son of Jacob Van Auken & Margriet Marie Van Garden
Baptized:13 Feb 1756 at Minisink, Sussex County New Jersey, Dutch Ref ormed Church by Reverand J. C. Fryenmoet. Witnesses wer e Peter Westfael
and Arriaentje Rosenkranz.
Married:Aug 1782 Margret Chesney (Chesnor)
NOTE:Don't beleive Nancy b. 1777 belongs to this family.
Died: 20 Sep 1835 at Midle Smithfield, Pike County, Pennsylvania.
Source:Mormon Records, Walpeck Reformed Church, RR Hoes, DAR Patrio t index,
p. 697, Old Ulster, Vo; V, P. 313 WM Packer #62, Glorya Welch , 1850
Census - Middle Smithfield Monroe County, Pennsylvania
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin
!Casparus VAN AUKEN, b 1759, son of Jacob VAN AUKEN & Margriet VAN GA RDEN.
!Baptised: 27 Jan 1759, by Domine, George Wilhelmus Mancius, Walpac k Dutch
Reformed Church, Sussex County, New Jersey.
Witnesses, Jacobus VAN SICKELE & Sara VAN AKEN.
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-18 30 p135
!Married:Annatje (Johannah) Van Demark.
!Died 1830
!Isaac Van Auken, b 1760/61 son of Jacob Van Auken & Margriet Van Gar den.
!Married: Barbara Shifly.
!Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania.
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac
Margret Chesney
Married:Aug 1782 Benjamin Van Auken son of Jacob Van Auken and Margri et Van
Died:2 Feb 1846, Monroe County, Pennsylvania
Keith Alan Van Auken, b 22 Feb 1968, son of Robert L Van Auken & Joyc e Elaine
Marriage: Keith Alan Van Auken Married Molly Ann Holland, 2 Mar 1993 , at the
Arapaho Courthouse, Custer County, Oklahoma.
Birth:Republic of the Philippines Angeles City. Office of the Local C ivil
Registrar b.554, p.61 Register No 1273, Date filed, 27 Mar 196 8.
Keith was born in the USAF Hospital, Clark Air Force Base, Ang eles City Pampanga, Republic of the Philippines.
Keith and Kent is the second set of twins in of Robert Leo Va n Auken
and Joyce Elaine Hensley family.
Keith joined the Sea Cadets while in school and the United Sta tes Navy
after graduating from High School in May of 1986. He was acti ve in
Baseball, Football, Bowling, and Socker during his school year s.
Line:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B
!Robert Leo Van Auken, b 20 Mar 1929, son of Leo Benjamin Van Auken a nd
Beatrice Viola Krause.
!Baptized:13 Jun 1937, Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
!Married: 1st, Yvonne Skipworth and had two children, Bobby and Bonni e.
The marriage lasted five years of which they were togethe r about two years.
2nd Joyce E. Hensley, 7 Feb 1958 and had six children, tw o sets of
twins and two singles.
!Robert went into the service at the age of sixteen and stayed unti l his
retirement at twenty years. He then worked for Philco Ford,19 67-1969 in the AUTODIN department installing and teaching th e military to us the system.
He was in the Philippines for eighteen monts and in Germany t he same amount of time. In 1970/71 he went to work for ITT o n a military contract in Vietenam training personnel i n the use of electronics.
He then went to work for the City of Weatherford, as Park Sup ervisor for eight years and finely for 3M for another twelv e years and retired.
In November 1986 Robert had a Bi-lateral Aortia bypass on hi s legs and in March 1991 had a heart attact and was hospit alized in Weatherford for one week then transfered t o Deconess Hospital in Oklahoma City, and on 9 Apr 199 1 he had a double by pass for his heart.
!CHURCH:Robert and Joyce belonged to the Hinton Baptist Church, whe n they moved they joined the Trinity Baptist Church by le tter from Hinton on 4/73.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amze-Leo-Robert L
!Keith Alan Van Auken, b 22 Feb 1968, son of Robert L Van Auken & Joy ce Elaine
!Marriage: Keith Alan Van Auken Married Molly Ann Holland, 2 Mar 1993 , at the
Arapaho Courthouse, Custer County, Oklahoma.
!Birth:Republic of the Philippines Angeles City. Office of the Loca l Civil
Registrar b.554, p.61 Register No 1273, Date filed, 27 Mar 196 8.
Keith was born in the USAF Hospital, Clark Air Force Base, Ang eles City Pampanga, Republic of the Philippines.
Keith and Kent is the second set of twins in of Robert Leo Va n Auken
and Joyce Elaine Hensley family.
Keith joined the Sea Cadets while in school and the United Sta tes Navy
after graduating from High School in May of 1986. He was acti ve in
Baseball, Football, Bowling, and Socker during his school year s.
!Line:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B
!Robert Leo Van Auken, b 20 Mar 1929, son of Leo Benjamin Van Auken a nd
Beatrice Viola Krause.
!Baptized:13 Jun 1937, Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
!Married: 1st, Yvonne Skipworth and had two children, Bobby and Bonni e.
The marriage lasted five years of which they were togethe r about two years.
2nd Joyce E. Hensley, 7 Feb 1958 and had six children, tw o sets of
twins and two singles.
!Robert went into the service at the age of sixteen and stayed unti l his
retirement at twenty years. He then worked for Philco Ford,19 67-1969 in the AUTODIN department installing and teaching th e military to us the system.
He was in the Philippines for eighteen monts and in Germany t he same amount of time. In 1970/71 he went to work for ITT o n a military contract in Vietenam training personnel i n the use of electronics.
He then went to work for the City of Weatherford, as Park Sup ervisor for eight years and finely for 3M for another twelv e years and retired.
In November 1986 Robert had a Bi-lateral Aortia bypass on hi s legs and in March 1991 had a heart attact and was hospit alized in Weatherford for one week then transfered t o Deconess Hospital in Oklahoma City, and on 9 Apr 199 1 he had a double by pass for his heart.
!CHURCH:Robert and Joyce belonged to the Hinton Baptist Church, whe n they moved they joined the Trinity Baptist Church by le tter from Hinton on 4/73.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amze-Leo-Robert L
!Harmanus Van Auken, son of Jacob Van Auken & Margriet Van Garden.
!Baptized: 22 Sep 1762, Walpack, Sussex County, Dutch Reformed Church.
Witnesses Harmanus van Garden, Elsje van Garden. pg17
!Married: 1st Martha
2nd Hanna Wood
!Died 1817
Elizabeth Courtright b 24 May 1772, daughter of Jacob Kortreght & F . Deenmerk
Married: 1795, Isaac Van Auken
Died:12 Oct 1852, age 80 yr 4 mo 18 dys
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster Vol . 5,
pg. 279 & New Testament from Marcis Mason Saginaw, Michigan
Molly Ann Holland was an unwed mother before marriage to Keith. Jona thon Perry
Lee Holland is not the son of Keith.
James Cortright, born, son of
Married:Jannetie Van Aken, daughter of Joseph Van Aken & Elizabeth We stfall
and had four children.
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Recoed Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ul ster Vol.5 pg. 279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Sagi naw, Mi. Jacobus
Cortright married first Anna Quick.
Abraham Isaac Van Aken, son of Isaac Van Auken & Rachel DeWitt
Baptised:19 Jan 1724, Kingston Dutch Reformed Church, Ulster County , New York.
Married: Maria DeWitt at Macheckemack Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark,
Orange County, New York.
Who is this Abraham Jr., grantor in Sussex County New Jersey to Sever yul
Westbrook ? Could Abraham have been married first to Sara Van A uken
then to Maria Dewitt / His children were baptized after he wa s 38.
Ref:Glorya Welch, Calif. Vol c pg 214. pre 1800 Marcia Mason, S aginaw, Mi. Vol 18 pg 17 Fanily 20 Ny Geneal & Biog. Records.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Abraham I-
Maria De Witt daughter of Jacob De Witt & Heyletjen Van Campen
Married: Abraham Isaac Van Auken son of Isaac Van Auken & Rachel De W itt
at Macheckemac Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark, Orange Count y, New York
Jannetie (Jane) Van Auken, b 1760, daughter of Abraham Van Auken & Ma ria
Married: Abraham Westbrook 26 Jul 1789, Minisink-Maheckemack Dutch Re formed
Church Orange County New York.
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-183 0, pg 277 1807 Cences New York p 18,623 Apr 1984
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Abraham I-Jannetie
Sarah J Van Aken, b 2 Dec 1764. Daughter of Abraham Van Auken & Mari a De Witt
Baptised: 30 Dec 1764, Machackemeck Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark , Orange
County, New York. REF:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Churc h Records, 1716-1830 pg148. Witnesses, Cornelius D e Witt & Sarah De Witt
Married: Aaron or (Arie) Vredenburgh
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Abraham I-Sarah J
!Rachel Van Aken, b 9 Nov 1762, daughter of Abraham Isaac Van Auke n & Maria
!Baptized:26 Nov 1762:Minisink-Machackemeck Dutch Reformed Church Rec ords.
Ref:A Heritage Classic, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Chur ch Records 1716-1830, pg 142. Witnesses: Abraham & R achel Van Campen.
!Married:Isreal Wells.
!Died:early age.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Abraham I-Rachel
Darius Van Auken, b 1835, d 1844, son of Amos Van Auken and Susan Wai nright
Died:24 Aug 1844, buried Brooklyn, Old Cemetery, Squehanna County,
Pennsylvania. age 9-4-3
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Si dorski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!Mary Jane Van Auken, b 1845, daughter of Amos Van Auken and Susan Wa inright
!Married:George I. Giles
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Sidor ski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Mary J
Caitlin (Catie) DaNae Fansler, daughter of Heather Van Auken and Bret t Allen
b 24 Aug 1992, at 7:43 AM at the Norman Regional Hospital, No rman,
Cleveland County, Oklahoma.
NOTE: Was adopted by Bret Earle Wagner and Heather Van Auken Fansle r Wagner
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-
!Willis Grow Van Auken, b 18 Aug 1856, son of Benjamin Westbrook Va n Auken
& Susan Safford.
!Baptised:16 Mar 1902, Saginaw, Saginaw Co, Michigan
!Married:Florence J Guillotte 18 Sep 1883 Saginaw Michigan
!Died:23 Jun 1908, Tawas City, Michigan , buried Oakwood Cemetery, Sa ginaw,
Saginaw County, Michigan.
!NOTE:Lumberman, Episcopal Church
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G
!Florance Josephine Guillotte, b 31 Aug 1859, daughter of
!Married:Willis Grow Van Auken, 18 Sep 1883, Saginaw, Saginaw County , Michigan
!Died:31 Aug 1928, Burried:Oakwood Cemetery, Saginaw, Saginaw County , Michigan.
Ammi Willis Van Auken, b 15 Jan 1894, son of Willis Grow Van Auken
& Florence J Guillotte.
Baptized:22 Apr 1894, St John's Epis. Church, Saginaw, Michigan
Married:Helen Frances Zander in 29 Dec 1917 Battle Creek, Calhoun Cou nty,
Died:19 Mar 1977, in Saginaw, buried Oakwood Cemetery, Saginaw, Michi gan
was in WW I.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Ammi Willis
!Helen Frances Zander, b 12 Sep 1891, daughter of Edwin Francis Zande r &
Sarah L Sanborn
!Married:Helen Frances Zander, 29 Dec 1917
!Died:16 Dec 1967, Crematted, Cremains strewn
!Lived:Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Saginaw
!Marcia Esther Van Auken, b 14 Dec 1922, daughter of Ammi Willis Va n Auken and
Helen F Zander.
!Baptized: Saginaw, Michigan
!Married:Frank B Mason 25 Apr 1942, Saginaw, Micgigan. 1 boy, 1 girl
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Ammi Willis-Ma rcia E
!.....?? Huttom
!Married:Mary Van Auken, b Nov 1892, daughter Amzie Van Auken & Sabina
Pursell. Two Children
1. William (Buzz) Hutton 2. Raymond Hutton. Mary died about
1937, buried Malbury Street Cemetery, Berwick, Columbia Co
!Giles Van Auken, b Sep 1842, son of Amos Van Auken and Susan Wainrig ht
!Married: Rhoda A Bailey
!Died:25 Apr 1905
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Sidor ski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!John L Van Auken, b 1840, son of Amos Van Auken and Susan Wainrigh t Havens.
!Died: Civil War Co K 56 Pa Vol
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Sidor ski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-John L
!Daniel G Van Auken, b 3 Jun 1833, son of Amos Van Auken & Susan Wain right
!Married:4 Apr 1855, Theoda C. Giles.
!Died:after 1895
|LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Daniel G
!Eleanor Van Auken, b 1830, daughter of Amos Van Auken and Susan Wain right
!Married:George W. Ely 16 Fef 1848 in Brooklyn, Susquahanna County,
Pennsylvania, by Rev M Davidson, both of former Place. Dem M ar 2 1848.
Ref:Susquehanna County Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Si dorski,
R.D., Susquahanna, great neice of the Van Aukens.
Shantel Nicole Van Auken b 24 Oct 1990, daughter of Heather Renee Va n Auken
& Brett Alan Fansler.
NOTE:Shantel was born out of wedlock and had her name changed to Fans ler in
Sep 1991 after Mother finely talked the Father into marriage. She w as not
adopted, only had her name changed as Mom & Dad are her real parents.
By the age of two she had already won Many beauty Pagents and had nu merous
trophies. She is a very intelligent young girl. By the time she wa s three she was singing songs and reciting poems, and could coun t and knew her ABC's not only in English but in Spanish as well. Sh e started school as a T-first
NOTE: Shantel was adopted by Bret Earle Wagner and Heather Van Auke n Fansler Wagner.
BIRTH:Ref: Certific of live birth State file no 135-90-037877
State of Oklahoma.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-
Iassc Van Auken, b 1828, Som of Amos Van Auken & Susanna Wainwright H avens
Married: Mary A. Ely, daughter of Lyman Ely, 1 Oct 1867, in Brooklyn,
Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, and lived there from the day the y married.
In 1907 both still alive and celebrated there 60 th wedding annivers ary.
Although Isaac was past 80 years old, he was still a member and clas s leader
of the M.E. Church. A prominent place he held for the past fourty y ears.
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Sido rski,
R.D., Susquehanna. great neice of the Van Aukens.
Died:1915, Burried Old Brooklyn Cemetery, Susquehanna County, Pennsyl vana.
Jacob J. Van Auken, b ...., son of Jacob Van Auken & Margriet Van Gar den
Baptized:22 May 1774 by Dr. Jacob R Hardenberg. Ref:[Book Minisink V alley
Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830. A Heritage Classi c date
1913. Walpack Dutch Reformed Church records 1716-1830 pg26
In a800 was living at home.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacob J
!Phillip Van Auken, 6 Apr 1794, son of Harmanus Van Auken & Hanna Wood
!Baptised: 6 Jul 1794, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716 -1830
pg 44
Moses Van Auken, b 10 Mar 1787, son of Harmanus Van Auken & Hannah Wo od.
Baptised: 15 Apr 1787, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716 -1830
pg 36
Married: Mary Van Etten
Abraham Van Auken twin to Sarah Van Auken, b 22 Mar 1790, son of Harm anus
Van Auken and Hanna Wood.
Baptised: 22 Mar 1789, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716 -1830
pg 39.
Married:1st Rachel Quick in 1813.
2nd Miriam Cole in 1857.
!Sarah Van Auken twin to Sarah Van Auken, b 22 Mar 1790, daughter o f Harmanus
Van Auken and Hanna Wood.
!Baptised: 22 Mar 1789, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716 -1830
pg 39.
Mary or May Van Auken, 19 Jun 1792, daughter of Harmanus Van Auke n & Hanna Wood
Baptised: 15 Aug 1792, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716 -1830
pg 42
!Genny (Jane) Van Auken, 10 Jul 1796, daghter of Harmanus Van Auke n & Hanna
!Baptised:10 Jul 1796, Walpack, Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716 -1830
pg 45
!Married:James McCarty
Aaron Van Auken b 14 June 1798, d 1875, son of Harmanus Van Auken & H annah
Married: Mary Mccarty in 1821
Baptised:22 Jul 1898, Ref:Dutch Reformed Church, Walpack Sussex Count y, New
Jersey pg47
Died:1875 buried Milford Cemetery rout 209 Penna.
!Caty Westbrook Van Aken, b 27 Jun 1806, daughter of Hermanus Van Ake n & Hannah
!Baptised: 18 Jul 1807.
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records 1716-183 0 p.221
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Hermanus-Caty W
Bradly Scott Van Auken, b 19 Oct 1961, son of Robert Leo Van Auke n & Joyce
Elaine Hensley.
Birth Certificate: Deparment of California, File No.61-291356, Certif icate
No. 3400 11199
Married: Debera Renee Huey, 7 Jun 1980, Christian Church, Hydro, Cadd o County, Oklahoma. Baptised at same church.
Bradly Scott Van Auken, goes by the name of Scott. He joined the Nati onal
Guard before graduating from High School. After Graduation i n 1979, he went to work in the Bowling Alley as amachanic o n the pin setting machine. His boss sent him to a school i n Ohio to learn the new AMF machines to be on the market soo n. After returning from Ohio, and only a few months later , the alley was leased out and he went to Kansas and fou nd some part time work but ended up full time in the Air N ational Guard, in the Air Craft Supply Department.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B- Robert L
Bradly S
Barbara Shifly
Married: Isaac Van Auken
Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Church , 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania.
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac
!Jacob Van Auken, b 10 Aug 1783, son of Issac Van Auken and Barbara S hifly.
!Married: ????????
!Baptised 19 Sep 1784
!Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania. Heritage Classic p34
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Jacob
!Elizabeth Van Auken, b 13 feb 1788 daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Bar bara
!Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania.
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Elizabeth
!Maragriet Van Auken, b 13 Feb 1786 daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Bar bara
!Baptized:19 Mar 1786, Minisink Valley Reformes Dutch Church Record s 1716-1830,
pg 35
!Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania.
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Maragriet
!Rachel Van Auken, b 18 Sep 1792, daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Barba ra
!Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania.
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Rachel
|Jacob Van Auken, b 1826, son of Jacob Van Auken & ...???
!Married: Phoebe Canfield
|Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania. Heritage Classic p34
|LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Jacob-Jacob
|Jacob Van Auken, b 1826, son of Jacob Van Auken & ...???
!Married: Phoebe Canfield
|Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania. Heritage Classic p34
|LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Jacob-Jacob
|Jacob Van Auken, b 1826, son of Jacob Van Auken & ...???
!Married: Phoebe Canfield
|Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania. Heritage Classic p34
|LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Jacob-Jacob
!George Alvin Van Auken, b ????, son of Jacob Van Auken & Phoebe Canf ield.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Isaac Jacob-Jacob-Abijah C
!Emma Van Auken, b 1851, daughter of Jacob Van Auken & Phoebe Canfiel d.
!Married:George Wood
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Isaac Jacob-Jacob-Emma
!Abijah Calkin Van Auken, b 1859, son of Jacob Van Auken & Phoebe Can field.
!Married:1st ??? and had two children,
2nd Laura E. Bond, had one child
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Isaac-Jacob-Jacob-Abijah C
!Edward Oakley
!Married:Caroline Van Auken
!Died: 1968, buried Nicholson Cemertery, Wyoming County, Penna.
Debra Renee Huey, daughter of Curtis Huey & Carolyn Marie Hart
Mmarried:Bradly Scott Van Auken 7 Jun 1988, at the First Christian Ch urch,
Hydro, Caddo County, Oklahoma.
!Everett Van Aken, b 1760, son of Isaac Van Auken & Margaret Hornbeck.
!Married:Sarah Westbrook and had three daughters:
1. Lydia who married David G. Finch 2. Mary who married Col.B enjamin
Woodward, and 3. Sally who married Thomas Van Etten.
!Ref:Roberta Scheflen, New York, information from Cuddebeck Family Re cords,
Ref, Vol 12 No 3 Van Aken/Auken Newsletter. 15 Aug 1995.
Elsie Van Vredenbergh, daughter of Wilhels Vredenbergh & Elizabeth va n Garge
Married:Joseph Van Auken
Baptised:27 Jan 1759, Machackemeck, Deerpark, Orange County, New York.
Witnesses, Jacob van Aaken & Margriet van Garden. Ref:[Boo k, A Heritage Classic, dated 1913, Minisink Valley Refo rmed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830. pg135
!Wilhelmus Van Aken, b 17 Feb 1784 d 25 Jan 1822, son of Joseph L Va n Auken &
Elsje Van Vredenberg.
!Married:1st, 1804, Hester Shymer, had five children,
2nd, 26 Jun 1814, Leah Van Auken, had three more children.
!Baptised:23 Apr 1784, Walpack, Sussex County, New Jersey
Ref. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-18 30, pg 32
!Ref:U.S. LIbrary of Congress, National Union Catalog 15, (i)P. incl . &
Van Aken/Auken Newsletter & Robert A. Van Auken, North Cant on, Ohio.
Minisink Valley Hist. Soc. data.
!NOTE:Wilheimus was executed 25 Jan 1822 by Sheriff Vancleal
More. He was tried and convicted of murdering his wife
Leah in Montague Township, NJ in the spring of 1821.
History of Sussex County, New Jersey...by Snell.
!LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus
!Petrus Van Auken, b 1785, son of Harmanus Van Auken & Martha ....??? ?.
!Cattrina Van Auken, b 2 Jul 1789, daughter of Joseph Van Auken & Els je
!Baptised: 30 Aug 1789 Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New Jersey
Mary Van Auken, daughter of Joseph Van Auken & Elsje Vredenburgh, b m arried
1812, William Graham.
Abraham Van Auken, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Margriet Chesney b 1 0 Dec 1784
Baptized: 8 May 1785 Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County, Ne w Jersey.
Ref: [Book by Heritage Classic dtd 1913] Minisink Valley R eformed
Dutch Records 1716-1830, pg 34.
Rhiannon L Van Auken, b 4 Aug 1982 to Larry Bob and Lisa Gwen
Note: Rhiannon is not Larry's child. They were married before she wa s born and took the Van Auken name. Lisa was in the family way befo re marriage and the child was not Larry's. After the divorce Lis a got custody of her daughter.
Brian Scott Van Auken, b 13 May 1981, Son of Bradly Scott Van Auken &
Debra Renee Huey.
NOTE:Brian loves to draw and is very good in free hand drawing. He is
also taking lesons on the Chello. He likes to Bowl.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Behjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-
Bradly S-Brian S
!Benjamin Van Auken, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Margret Chesney, b 1 9 Mar
1787, Walpack, Sussec County, New Jersey.
!Baptized: 3 Jun 1787, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Jersey Ref: [Book by Heritage Classic dtd 1913] Minisink V alley
Reformed Dutch Records 1716-1830, pg 37.
!Daniel Van Auken, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Margret Chesney, b 2 1 Aug 1789.
!Baptized: 11 Oct 1789, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussec County , New
Jersey Ref: [Book by Heritage Classic dtd 1913] Minisink V alley
Reformed Dutch Records 1716-1830, pg 39.
!Ann Van Auken, b 13 Nov 1791, daughter of Benjamin Van Auken & Margr et
!Baptised: 16 Jan 1792, Walpack, Sussex County, New Jersey. Ref: Mini sink
Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg41
!Married: Henry Crouse.
Elsie (Elshe) Van Auken, b 22 Jan 1794, daughter of Benjamin Van Auken
& Margaret Chesney,
Baptized: 30 Mar 1794, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church, Sussex County , New
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-18 30, pg43.
Married: Nathaniel Conklen,
1. Abram 2. John 3. Nathaniel 4. Hannah 5. Elizabeth 6. Su san D.
7. George 8. Matilda 9. Clara 10. Jacob 11. David
Jacob Van Aken b.15 Sep 1796, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Margaret C hesney
Married: Sarah Hanna and had four children.
Baptised: Sussex, Wantage, Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Church, New Je rsey.
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg46.
NOTE:From the Jeffersonian dated Tuesday, Dec 9 1879, Mr Jacob Van
Auken, age 86 & 9 mo. Remains interred in Sand Hill buryin g ground
in Smithfield Township. He resided in Mendahm about 30 year s.
NOTE: Mendham is in Morris County, New Jersey. It appears he went
there, we don't know why, after the 1850 Middle Smithfield T ownship
Census, as he is listed with his children and no wife as sh e had died.
Questions: Did he take his children? Who brought them up? They evi dently returned to Pennsylvania at some point.
Ref: Roberta Scheflen, Asbury, New Jersey.
Died:16 May 1879, buried Sand Hill, Smithfield Township, Mendham Coun ty,
New Jersy. Could not find Grave Stone.
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacobus C.
Jacob Van Aken b.15 Sep 1796, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Margaret C hesney,
Married: Sarah Hanna and had four children.
Baptised: Sussex, Wantage, Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Church, New Je rsey.
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, p g46.
NOTE:From the Jeffersonian dated Tuesday, Dec 9 1879, Mr Jacob V an
Auken, age 86 & 9 mo. Remains interred in Sand Hill buryin g ground
in Smithfield Township. He resided in Mendahm about 30 yea rs.
NOTE: Mendham is in Morris County, New Jersey. It appears he went
there, we don't know why, after the 1850 Middle Smithfiel d Township
Census, as he is listed with his children and no wife as sh e had died.
Questions: Did he take his children? Who brought them up? They evi dently returned to Pennsylvania at some point.
Ref: Roberta Scheflen, Asbury, New Jersey.
Died:16 May 1879, buried Sand Hill, Smithfield Township, Mendham Coun ty,
New Jersy. Could not find Grave Stone.
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacobus C.
!Miriam or Myriam Van Auken, parents unknown, b 1805 d 1890.
!Married: 1827 Abraham Van Auken bp 13 Jan 1805, d 1872, son of Isaa c Van Auken
& Elizabeth Cortright,
Ref:Sussex County, Wantage, Clove Valley Dutch Reformed Chu rch.
!1850 Censes Montague Township, Sussex County, New Jersey
Blake Stephen Van Auken, b 5 Apr 1984, Son of Bradly Scott Van Auken &
Debra Renee Huey.
Blake loves horses and always wanted to be a Cow Boy an a Rodeo Star.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-
Robert L-Bradly S-Blake S
George Dayton Van Auken, b 1861, d 1948 son of Daniel Van Auken & Mary
Catherine Kenny daughter of
Married: in 1895 George Dayton Van Auken, son of Daniel Van Auken & M ary McEnerey
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-George D
!Maude Leone Van Auken, b 1867, d 1948, daughter of Sidney Van Auke n and
Frances Jenette Boyd.
!Married:Tom William Bailey
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Sidney-Maude L
!James B Van Auken, b 1825, son of Jacob J Van Auken & Hannah Brooks.
!Married: Esther McDuffie in 1850
!Died:25 Dec 1886 in Waltham, Iowa
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-James B
!Lucy A Van Auken, b 1860, daughter of Daniel G Van Auken, & Theod a C Giles.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Daniel G-Lucy A
!Laura Van Auken, daughter of Daniel G Van Auken, & Theoda C. Giles.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Daniel G-Laura
Brady Sean Van Auken, b 4 Feb 1988, Son of Bradly Scott Van Auken &
Debra Renee Huey.
Brady S loves to bowl and wants to become a Professional Bowler and b owl
on the PBA Tour.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-vBenjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-
Robert L-Bradly S-Brady S
!Charles H Van Auken, b Oct 1859 son of Daniel G Van Auken, & Theod a C Giles
!Married: Annie ...? NOTE:1900 iving Lathrop Township, Susquehann a County,
|LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Daniel G-Charles H
!Aploney Van Aken,b 17 Sep 1775 daughter of Joseph Van Auken and Eliz abeth
!Baptised:27 Sep 1775. Ref: Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Records. 1 716-1830
pg166, Ref: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Ol de Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279 and Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw , MIchigan.
!Married:George Heter
!Hannah Van Auken, b 7 Mar 1801, daughter of Benjamin Van Auken &
Margaret Chesney,
!Baptized:Apr/May 1801, Walpack, Sussex County, Dutch Reformed Church , New
Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-183 0, pg49.
!Married: Daniel D. Van Aken, b 1800, son of Peter Van Aken & Hanna h ...,
born, Parker Glen, Shohola Township, Pike County, Pennsylva nia.
!Maria Quick, b 28 Aug 1790, daughter of Gretjie Van Aken, and John Q uick
!Baptized:25 Sep 1790, Maheckemack Dutch Reformed Church Records 1716-
1830, Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records p 2 00
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!Hannah Brooks, b 1789, daughter of
!Married:Jacob J Van Auken, son of Jacobus Van Auken & Jane (Janneka ) Decker.
!Died:24 Mar 1852
Jenneka Decker
Married:Jacobus Van Auken. Son of Jacob Van Auken & Margaret Van Gard en
Mary A Ely, daughter of Lyman Ely
Married:Isaac Van auken, 1 Oct 1867, son of Amos van Auken and Wlizab eth Patterson, in Brooklyn, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, and liv ed there from the day they married.
In 1907 both still alive and celebrated there 60 th wedding anniversa ry.
Although Isaac was past 80 years old, he was still a member and clas s leader
of the M.E. Church. A prominent place he held for the past fourty ye ars.
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent and a Photograph from Charlotte Sidor ski,
R.D., Susquehanna. great neice of the Van Aukens.
Died: 1915 Brooklyn Pa, burried Old Brooklyn Cemetery
Eleanor Van Auken, daughter of Abraham Van Auken & Rachel Quick.
Married: Andrew J. Perry in 1845 and had nine children.
NOTE: Daniel Abraham is buried by himself, apart from the family Va n Auken plot. Legend is that he was so hated by his family , they would not
let him be buried with the rest of the family.
Sarah Ellen Gardner daughter of ...Gardner and
Married 20 Jan 1861 Jeremiah Tracy Van Auken at Brooklyn, Sesquehann a County,
Pennsylvania son of Benjamin W Van Auken & Susan Stafford.
Died:27 May 1876 Burried Old Brooklyn Cemetery, Susquehanna County , Pennsylvania. 37 yrs 3 mo 2 dys
!Jeremiah Tracy Van Auken, b 3 Apr 1836, d 8 Dec 1903 Factoryville, W yoming
County, Pennsylvania, Son of Benjamin W Van Auken & Susan Stafford.
!Jeremiah Tracy Van Auken, b 3 Apr 1836, d 8 Dec 1903 Factoryville, W yoming
County, Pennsylvania, Son of Benjamin W Van Auken & Susan Stafford.
! Married:20 Jan 1861 Sarah Ellen Gardner at Brooklyn, Sesquehanna Co unty,
!Sarah Van Auken b 21 Aug 1823 daughter of Jacob J Van Auken & Hanna h Brooks.
!Baptized:16 Feb 1824 Ref Heritage Classic, Minisink Valley Reforme d Dutch
Church Records, 1716-1830 pg 84, birth and Baptism.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-Sarah
Hayden C Van Auken b 1872 son of Iassc Van Auken & Mary E Ely
Married:1st 22 Sep 1892 Minnie Grinnell, both of Brooklyn. had 2 Chil dren.
2nd Blanche L Lemon had one child
Ref:Susquehanna County. Independent.
Info from Charlotte Sidorski, R.D., Susquehanna great neic e of the Van Aukens.
Died:1960 Burried Old Brooklyn Cemetery, Susquehanna County, Pennsylv ania
Ref:Web page from Mary Williams
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Isaac-Hayden C
!Frank E Van Auken, b 1865, son of Iassc Van Auken & Mary A. Ely, bor n in
Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent. info from Charlotte Sidorski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Isaac-Frank E
George L Van Auken, b 1857, d 1859, son of Iassc Van Auken & Mary A E ly
born in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
Died:3 Mar 1859, BURRIOld Brooklyn Cemeterty Sesquehanna County, Penn sylvania
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent. info from Charlotte Sidorsk i,
R.D., Susqeehanna. great neice of the Van Aukens.
Web page of Mary Williams
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Isaac-George L
!James A Van Auken, b 1855, son of Iassc Van Auken & Mary A. Ely
born Susquehanna Co Pennsylvania.
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent. info from Charlotte Sidorski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Isaac-James A
!Emma Van Auken, b 1852, daughter of Iassc Van Auken & Mary A. Ely
born Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent. info from Charlotte Sidorski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
!Elbert Van Auken b 1862 son of Iassc Van Auken & Mary A. Ely
born Susquehanna Co Pennsylvania.
Ref:Susquehanna Co. Independent. info from Charlotte Sidorski,
R.D., Susq. great neice of the Van Aukens.
Zara Van Auken, b 1726, daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Maria De Witt.
Baptised: 6 Mar 1726, Port Jarvis, Orange County, New York.
Marriage:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830 p g 267 on
8 Apr 1750, Sara Van Auken, Young woman, born at Rochester , Orange
County, New York and Petrus Brinck, young man, born at Ship penkonk,
New Jersey, both dweling at Shippenkonk, posted banns and w ere
declared "forbidden", (Litteraly stoped) by Catharina Hoogn teeling
and afterwards by Sara herself in the presence of J.C. Frye nmuth,
pastor and Anthony Westbroeck elder. One wonders who Catha rina
Hooghteeling may have been, and further, why she with Antho ny
Westbroeck, elder, stopped the banns.
On 15 Apr 1750 the same Sara married Jacobus Van Sickle, bo rn
Readingtown where he dwelt.
Ref: Marriage records 1737-1797 taken from a pamphlet by Rev. J.P . Ten Eyck, printed 1877. Marriage ceremonies perfor med by J.C. Fryenmuth.
NOTE:: If we could have been present on 9 Apr 1750 when the banns we re forbidden, we would have noted the condition of Cath arina. Six days
later (15 April 1750), twins, Jacob and Sara, were christened . The
witnesses were Jan Van Vliet, Jesyntje Swartwout his wife, Th omas
Decker and wife, Jenneke Van Nimwegen. The name of the fathe r states
the word "onecht" meaning illegitimate. Three years later Cat harina married James Risla and had several legitimate child ren by him.
As for Petrus Brink, he seems to have settled down and was su b- sequently married yo Alida Midddag.
Note Note:: It seems both girl were preganet and wanted the same ma n but he married someone else. The stories that could be t old, if we only
Sarah Van Auken, b , daughter of Jacob Van Auken and Sarah Hanna
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Issac-Jacob C-Sarah
There is a claim that Absolom did not return to Magdalena and familyf ollowing the War of 1812, but abandoned them and started a new family in western PA. One of Absolom's sons, Jacob H., stated that hisfathe r had sold his NJ land for a coal mine in western PA, abovePittsburg . Perhaps so, however these people were known as Van Aukersfor som e reason.
His last child by Magdalena, Jacob H. was born in 1810. The first on erecorded with Ruth Barns, Martha, was born in 1832. For a man who h ad9 children by his first wife, it does not seem likely that he would not have sired any between Jacob H. (1810) and Martha (1832) at whic htime he would have been 67 years old.
Absolum is next found in western PA where he married Ruth Barnes andh ad three children by her. He is thought to have died in 1837.
Magdalena Van Auken daughter of Isaak Van Auken & Margaret Hornbeck
Speculation.. That Magdalena's line given a (1) Marinus - (2) Isaac - (3) Isaac Jr is based in part on the similarity of name s given her children with the names in the Isaac Van Auke n Jr. m. Margaret Hornbeck family. Isaac and Margaret were als o witnesses to thebaptism of Magdalena's first child, Ma rgaret.
The will of Madalena's brother, James , probated 3 July 1839 , states"I give to my sister Magdalena, wife of Absolum Vanauke n (the money was given in trust to David Vannoye for her) th e said Absolum having abandoned her without giving to he r means of subsistance and it being my intention to give to he r a separate support independant and beyond the control of he r worthless husband.
Evidently the money did not stretch far enough for all their ne eds. Absolum's son Jacob H. (History of Steuben County, Indian a) traded hisfarm in Pike Co. PA for a tract of coal land near Pit tsburge which herefused to occupy. At five years of age, Jacob, w as thus homeless andface to face with poverty. During suceedin g winters he attended thecountry school of Sussex Co. NJ, his fe et clad in rags, later to beexchanged for leather shoes purcha sed with quails he entrapped. Magdalena Van Aken b 30 Apr 176 5 daughter of Isaac Jr Van Auken & Margaret Hornbeck.
Married: 1784 Absolom Van Auken b. 1765, d. 1837
Died:20 Dec 1831
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Isaac Jr-Magdalena
Daniel Van Auken, b 1839, d 1908, son of Solomon Van Auken & Matild a Scott.
Married: 1st Betsy J. Osborne, had three children.
2nd Ada Osborne 1880, had five children.
Died:1908, Burried: Hill Top Cemetery, Breesport Chemung County, Ne w York.
Co A. 1st Regament, Veteren New York Calvery.
Daniel has a seperste Tombstone.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel
!Jacob Van Auken, b 1826, son of Jacob Van Auken & ...???
!Married: Phoebe Canfield
!Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Churc h, 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania. Heritage Classic p34
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Issac-Jacob-Jacob
!Blandina Van Auken, b 1 Mar 1789, daughter of Jacobus Van Auke n & Jane Decker.
!Baptised:12 Apr 1789, by Elias Van Benschoten, Walpack Dutch Reforme d Church
Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg38.
!Married: John Hellor
!Betphsy Quick daughter of Gretjie (Peggy) Van Aken, John Quick
!Baptized 28 Jun 1801 Clove Dutch Reformed Church, New Jersey
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!George Dayton Van Auken b 1862 d 1948 son of Daniel Van Auken & Mar y McEnerey
!Married: 1895 Catherine Kenny
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-George D
!Alice Lillian Van Aken, b 1871, d 1873, daughter of Jeremiah Trac y & Sarah
Ellen Gardner,
!Married: Benjamin Goodwin and had 2 children.
Daniel Van Auken b 1828 d 1880 son of Abraham Van Auken & Rachel Quic k.
Married: Mary McEnerey in 1853 and had eight children.
!Daniel Van Auken, b 5 Nov 1791, son of Jacobus Van Auken & Jane Deck er.
!Baptised: 15 Jan 1792, by Elias Van Benschoten, Walpack Dutch Reform ed Church
Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg41.
!Charles H Van Auken, b 1859 son of Daniel G Van Auken, & Theoda
C. Giles m Annie ...? 1900 Sences living Lathrop Township, Susquehan na
County, Pennsylvania.
!Theoda C. Giles b. 24 Jan 1836, Penna. daughter of George H Giles an d Lucy
S Williams
!Married: Daaniel G Van Auken 4 Apr 1855
Mulford Van Auken, son of George Dayton Van Auken, & Catherine Kenny
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-George D
!Daniel Edward Van Auken, son of George Dayton Van Auken, & Catharin e Kenny
!Married:Mary Elizabeth Krim
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-George D-Daniel E
!Harry Van Auken, son of George Dayton Van Auken, & Catharine M Kenny
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-George D
Mallon Van Auken, b 1898, son of George Dayton Van Auken, & Catharin e M Kenny
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-George D-Mallon
!Joseph Van Auken, b 1861, son of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McEnerey.
!Laura Van Auken, b 1876, daughter of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McEnere y.
!Cornelius Van Auken b 1856 d 1891 son of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McE nerey.
Jacob C Van Auken, b 1864, d 1905, son of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McE nerey
Married: Ida L Campbell in 1883
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-Jacob C
!Charles W Van Auken, b 1854, son of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McEnerey
Married:Mary Catherine Manderville
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Daniel-Charles W
!Peggy Quick daughter of Gretjie Van Aken, John Quick
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!Cornelius Brooks Van Auken, b 1811, son of Jacob J Van Auken & Hanna h Brooks.
!Married: Jemima Norman.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Cornelius.
Jemima Norman
Married:Cornelius Brooks Van Auken, b 1811, son of Jacob J Van Auke n & Hannah
Norman Van Auken, b 1848, son of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & Jemim a Norman.
Married: Anna .....???.
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Norman
!Elijah Van Auken, b 1838 son of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & Jemim a Norton.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Elijah
!Hannah Van Auken, b 1840, daughter of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & J emima
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Hannah
Serepta Van Auken, b 1840, daughter of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & J emima
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Serepta
!Julia Van Auken, b 18460, daughter of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & J emima
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Julia
!Esther Van Auken, b 1852, daughter of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & J emima
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Esther
Sally Van Auken, b 1842, daughter of Cornelius Brooks Van Auken & Jem ima
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J.-Cornelius-Sally
John Hellor
Married:Blandina Van Auken, b. 1 Mar 1789, daughter of Jacobus Van Au ken &
Jane Decker.
!Mary Anne Van Auken, b 1814, daughter of Jacob J Van Auken & Hanna B rooks.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-Mary A
!Jane Van Auken, b 20 Apr daughter of Jacob J Van Auken & Hanna Brook s.
!Baptized:19 Aug 1821, Ref Heritage Classic, Minisink Valley Reforme d Dutch
Church Records, 1716-1830 pg 79, birth and Baptism.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-Jane
Lisa Gwen Justice, daughter of James Justice and Janet Lee Sykes, b 1 9 Oct 1961,
Married: Larry Bob Van Auken, 10 Apr 1982 and divorced 14 Feb 1986 . They
had two children, Lisa got custody of her daughter Rhianno n L Van Auken. Rhiannon was not Larry's child as she was in the f amily way when they met.
A shoemaker.
In 1854 he moved to Medina twp, Lenawee Co.MI where he bought 60 acre sof
land which he expanded to 213 acres and was considered be be quite a
sucessful farmer.
On 17 Jun 1866, during an argument with his second wife, Olive, Isaac
killed her and her daughter Hettie with an axe. This was in theprese nce
of his two sons. He was convicted and sentance to life in solitary
confinement in the state prison at Jackson, MI.
Evidently he served over 16 years of the sentence, but on 18 Dec 1882 he
set fire to his bed clothing and clothes and died.
!Silas Van Auken, b 1830, Son of Jacob J Van Auken & Hannah Brooks
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-James B
Matilda Scott daughter of and
Married: Solomon Van Auken, son of Jacob J Van Auken & Hannah Brooks
!Jane Van Auken, b 1835, Daughter of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda Scot t.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacob J-Solomon-Jane
!Janette Van Auken, b 1838, Daughter of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda S cott
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacob J-Solomon-Janette
!Louisa Van Auken, b 1842, Daughter of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda Sc ott
|LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacob J-Solomon-Louisa
!Miles Van Auken, b 1809, Son of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda Scott.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacob J-Solomon-Miles
!James Van Auken, b 1846, Son of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda Scott
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacob J-Solomon-James
Jeremiah Tracy Van Auken, b 3 Apr 1836, son of Benjamin W. Van Auken &
Susan Safford.
Married:20 Jan 1861 Sarah Ellen Gardner at Brooklyn, Sesquehanna Coun ty,
Died:8 Dec 1903,Factoryville, Burried, Old Brooklyn Cemetery Sequeaha nna County, Pennsylvania.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Josaph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Jeremiah
!Sidney Van Auken, b 1838, d 1915, son of Benjamin Westbrook Van Auke n and
Susan Safford.
!Married:1st Frances Janette Boyd in 1859 had four children
2nd Eliza Louise Wrenn in 1879 had one child
3rd Clementine Cope (Renwick) in 1906
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Sidney
!Courtright Van Auken, b 1840, d 1912 Factoryville, Wyoming County,
Pennsylvania, Son of Benjamin W Van Auken & Susan Stafford.
!Married:Mary Elizabeth ????
Calvin White Van Auken, b 1842, son of Benjamin Westbrook Van Auken a nd
Susan Safford.
Died:11 Jun 1863,age 21, Brooklyn, burried Brooklyn Old Cemetery , Susquehannaa County Pennsylvania. Yet again w e hope to meet thee.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Calvin W
Olive Elizabeth Van Auken, b 3 Jun 1844, daughter of Benjamin Van Auk en
& Susan Safford
Died:9 Jul 1857, 13 Yrs old, Brooklyn, Burried Old Cemetery, Brookly n Susquehanna County Pennsylvania.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Josaph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Olive E
Dwight Leslie Van Auken, b 1847, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Susan Sa fford
Died:17 Jun 1863, 16 yrs old, Brooklyn, Burried Old Cemetery, Brookly n Susquehanna County Pennsylvania. We mourn our loss.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Josaph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Dwight Leslie
Hester Ann Van Auken, b 1851, daughter of Benjamin Van Auken & Susa n Safford
Died:30 Jun 1863, Brooklyn, Burried Old Cemetery, Brooklyn Susquehann a County
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Josaph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Hester A
Joseph E Van Auken. b 10 Aug 1849, Son of Benjamin Van Auken & Susa n Safford.
Died:20 Aug 1849. Lived 10 days, burried Old Cemetery, Brooklyn, Susq uehanna
County, Pennsylvania.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Joseph E
!Levi Dennmark Van Auken. b 1860, Son of Benjamin Van Auken & Susan S afford
!Married:Lillian ,,,???
!Died:Burried Old Cemetery, Brooklyn, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Levi D
Nellie J Van Auken, B 1862, daughter of Benjamin Westbrook Van Auke n andd
Susan Safford.
Died: 30 Jul 1863, died young, 1 yr, Buried, Old Cemetery, Brooklky n Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Nellie J
!Esther Susan Van Auken, b 10 Oct 1884, daughter of Willis Grow Van A uken
and Susan Florence J Guillotte.
!Died:May 1967, Burried:Oakwood Cemetery, Saginaw, Saginaw County, Mi chigan.
Car accident, Steering gear.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Esther S
!Margretta Hazel Van Auken, b 15 Jan 1886, daughter of Willis Grow
Van Auken, and Susan Florence J Guillotte.
!Married: 23 Dec 1912 Matthew Kollig, at Saginaw
!Died:1972, at Kalamazoo, Burried:Oakwood Cemetery, Saginaw, Sagina w County,
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Margretta H
!Willis Langston Van Auken, b 6 Oct 1887, son of Willis Grow Van Auken
& Florence JGuillotte.
!Died:19 Nov 1887, 1 mo 13 Dys, Died Young, burried Oakwood Cemetery , Saginaw
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Willis L
!Jerome Tracy Van Auken, b 15 Jan 1896, son of Willis Grow Van Auke n and
Florence Josephine Guillotte.
!Died:18 May 1967, at Wichita Falls Texas. Died in the Service, burri ed Oakwood
Cemetery, Saginaw Michagin
!LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Jerome T
!Florence Marcia Van Auken, b 20 Oct 1901, daughter of Willis Grow Va n Auken and
Florence J Guillotte.
!Married: 1st Rufus Loveland 1923 had one child
2nd Ezra L Deibel no children
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Florence M
!Sarah Helen Van Auken, b 21 Oct 1919, daughter of Ammi W Van Auken a nd
Helen F Zander.
!Married:Stanley W Clift, 7 Nov 1942, Saginaw, Michigan (Divorced)
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin W-Willis G-Ammi Willis-Sa rah H
!Caroline Van Auken b Sep 1892, daughter of Charles H Van Auken & Ann a..????
!Married: Edward Oakley.
1900 living Lathrop Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylva nia.
!Died:17 Aug 1994, buried Nicholson Cemmetery, Nicholson, Susquehann a Co, Pa.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Daniel G-Charles H-Caroline
!NOTE:Memoriam, The Tribune Scranton, Penna. 18 Aug 1994.
Carolyn V. Oakley dies at age 102.
Carolyn V. Oakley, 102 a resident of Carpenter Care Center,
Tunkhannock, formerly of Nicholson, died Wednesday in the cente r after an
illness. She was the widdow of Edward F. Oakley who died in 19 68.
Born in Lathrop Township, Susquehanna County, daughter of th e late
Charles Henry and Anna Smith Van Auken, she graduated from th e Nicholson
High School in 1909. She was a member of the Nicholson Methodi st Church
for 85 years. A 50 Year memberof the Arbutus Chapter 29, Orde r of
Eastern Star, she was also 50 year memberof the Juanita Chapte r 44 of the
Rebekahs and was a charter member of the Secret Pals. She wa s formerly
employed as a public school teacher. She was formerly a churc h organist
and Sunday school teacher. Surviving are four cousins. She wa s preceded
in death by a sister, Ruth A Benjamin, and a brother, the Rev . Smith D.,
a minister in the Wyoming Conference.
Private funeral services will be Friday in the Charles H. Li twin
Funeral Home, 91 State St., Nicholson Prebyterian Church. Inte rment,
Nicholson Cemetery.
Frends may call today, 7 to 9 P.M.
Thanks to Marcia Mason and Van Aken/Auken Newsletter Vo l 13 no 2
15 May 1996.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Amos-Daniel G-Charles H-Caroline
!Gretjie Van Aken, b 1766, daughter of Joseph Van Aukem & Elizabeth W estfallm
!Married:John Quick and had six children.
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!Lucy Ethleen Van Auken, b 1873, d 1875, daughter of Sidney Van Auke n and
Frances Jenette Boyd.
!Died:Young 1875
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Sidney-Lucy E
!Sallly Quick daughter of Gretjie Van Aken, John Quick
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!Ellen May Van Auken, b 1874, daughter of Jeremiah Tracy Van Auken and
Sarah Ellen Gardner.
!Married:Austin B Wright, 25 Dec 1881. At the residence of B. Van Auk en, by
Rev. C.M. Surdam, Austin B. Wright of Nicholson to Ellen M . Van Auken
of Brooklyn. Dem Dec 30 1881
!Line:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Jeremiah Tracy-Ellen M
Rubbie Elsie Van Auken, b 1864, Daughter of Jeremiah Tracy Van Auke n and
Sarah Ellen Gardner
Married:Nathan E. Green in 1889
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin-Jeremiah T-Rubbie E
!Lizzie Jane Van Auken, b 9 Feb 1871, Daughter of Jeremiah Tracy Va n Auken
and Sarah Ellen Gardner
!Died:21 Jul 1871, 5 mo 12 dys, died Young.
|LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Jacob-Benjamin-Benjamin-Jeremiah T-Lizzie J
!Alice Lillian Van Aken, b 18731, daughter of Jeremiah Tracy & Sara h Ellen
!Married: Benjamin Goodwin and had 2 children.
!Line:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Jeremiah Tracy-Alice Lill ian
Rachel Quick daughter of Gretjie Van Aken, John Quick
Maria Quick, b 28 Aug 1790, daughter of Gretjie Van Aken, and John Qu ick
Baptized:25 Sep 1790, Maheckemack Dutch Reformed Church Records 1716-
1830, Ref:Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records p 2 00
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
!Abraham Van Auken b 1867, son of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McEnery
!Ann Van Auken b 1862, daughter of Daniel Van Auken & Mary McEnerey
Daniel Van Auken b 1828 d 1880 son of Abraham Van Auken & Rachel Quic k.
Married: Mary McEnerey in 1853 and had eight children.
!Minnie Van Auken, b. 1883, d. 1927, daughter of Daniel Van Auken & A da Osborne
!Married: 1st Arthur Brown, had one child.
2nd Fred Andrew Tuthill in 1906, had one child.
!Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Minnie
!Cora Van Auken, b 1880, d 1947, daughter of Daniel Van Auken & Ad a Osborne.
!Married: 1st ...Westbrook, in 1899, had one child.
2nd Henry Beese, in 1919. no children found at this time.
!Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Cora
Pearl Van Auken, b 30 Apr 1889, daughter of Daniel Van Auken & Ada Os borne.
Died:30 Apr 1889, Burried Hill Top Cemetery, Breesport, Chemung Count y, New
York. Liver four mounths.
!Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Pearl
Jennie Van Auken, b 17 Aug 1882, daughter of Daniel Van Auken & Ada O sborne.
Died:17 Aug 1882 Burried: Hill Top Cemetery, Breesport, Chemung Count y, New
York. Lived two days. Separete Tombstone.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Jennie
Margaret Van Auken, b 22 Jul 1784, daughter of Absolom Van Auken & Ma gdalena
Van Auken
Baptized:26 Sep 1784 Maheckemack Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark, Ora nge
County, New York. Ref: Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Churc h Records 1716-1830 pg 182 Witnesses Issac Van Ake n & Margaret Hoornbeek.
Married:Joseph Hornbeck,
Line:Marinus-Isaac-Isaac Jr-Magdalena-Margaret
Eva Van Auken, b 1887, daughter of Daniel Van Auken and Ada Osborne
Died:30 Nov 1887, Burried: Hill Top Cemetery Breesport, Chemung Count y, New
York. Died Young 10 days. Separate Tombstone.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Eva
Daniel Van Auken, b 1839, d 1908, son of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda
Burried: Hill Top Cemetery, Breesport Chemung County, New York.
Married: 1st Betsy J. Osborne, had three children.
2nd Ada Osborne 1880, had five children.
Betsy J. Osborne, b 15 May 1844
Married:Daniel Van Auken, son of Solomon Van Auken & Matilda Scott.
Died:18 Nov 1877,Burried: Hill Top Cemetery, Breesport Chemung County , New
York. Tombstone lays face-up on the ground.
!Johannes Casparus Van Sickle son of Jacabus Van Sickle and Sarah Va n Auken
!Baptized:23 Sep 1750 Minisink dutch reformed Church. Witness: J.C. F ryenmoet
and Magdalena Van Etten his wife.
!Ref: Heritage Classic Book. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Chur ch
Records, 1716 - 1830 p120
!LINED:Marinus-Issac-Abraham-Sara-Johannes C
Jacob Van Sickle
Married 15 Apr 1750, Zara Van Auken, banns posted 13 Apr 1750.
Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830 p g 267 on
8 Apr 1750, Sara Van Auken, Young woman, born at Rochester , Orange
County, New York and Jacobus Van Sickle, born Readingtown w here he
Ref:Marriage records 1737-1797 taken from a pamphlet by Rev . J.P. Ten Eyck, printed 1877. Marriage ceremonies perfo rmed by J.C. Fryenmuth.
!James Van Auken, b 1793, son of Absolom Van Auken & Magdalena Van Au ken
!Married:Jane Van Nais,25 Jan 1817, Montague, New Jersey.
Joseph S Van Auken, b 1815, d 1887, son of Abraham Van Auken & Rache l Quick
Married:Mary Ann Quick, had seven children.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Abraham-Joseph S
Pieternella De Pre
Married: Marinus Van Aken on 11 Apr 1683 at DRC Cadzand, Holland.
Pieternella was born in Holland. They must have come to Am erica
soon after the wedding, as their first child, Pieter was bo rn in
Oct 1685 in America.
!Isaac Van Aken, b 1798, son of Absolom Van Aken & Magdalena Van Ake n.
!Married:Mary Beedle in 1819
!Austin B Wright
!Married:Ellen May Van Auken, 25 Dec 1881 at Brooklyn, Susquahanna Co unty,
Pennsylvania. Daughter of Jeremiah Tracy Van Auken & Sara El len
George Heter Aploney Van Aken,b 17 Sep 1775 daughter of Joseph Van Au ken and
Elizabeth Westfall.
Married:Aploney Van Auken
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg.19,27,33,150. Olde Ul ster Vol. 5 pg. 279
Magdalena (Helena) Van Auken, b 1 Jan 1766, daughter of Jacob Van Auk en &
Margriet Van Garden.
Baptized: 28 Sep 1766
Married:Peter Corso (DeCoursey) had five Children: 1. Hannah 2. Johat han
3. Jane 4. David 5. Isaac
NOTE:Moved about 1794 with her husband from Smithfield, Pike County.
Pennsylvania and settled around the present site of Pittsburg,
Pennsylvania, and then about 1803, moved to Trumbull County, Oh io.
Magdalena and her son David, moved to Medina County, Ohio. Aft er 1830,
a street was named DeCoursey an a park was named Rittman afte r the first settlers. Two of three sons, Isaac and Johatha n DeCoursey removed to Wayne and Medina Counties, Ohio about 18 14, and another son, David moved with his mother from Trumbul l County to Medina County.
Ref:William L Decoursey, 4648 Fillmore St. N. E. Minneapolis, Minna sota.
Walpack Reformed Dutch Church, Packer #28, 1790 Census, Lowe r Smithfield Pike County, Pennsylvania.
LINE: Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Magdalena
!Magdalena Van Aken, b 1799, daughter of Absolom Van Aken and Magdale na
Van Aken.
!Married:David Van Noye 1819
Wilhelmus Van Aken, b 17 Feb 1784 d 25 Jan 1822, son of Joseph L Va n Auken &
Elsje Van Vredenberg.
Married:1st, John Biddis (Peiddis), had one child,
2nd, 1814, Leah Van Auken, had three more children.
Baptised:23 Apr 1784, Walpack, Sussex County, New Jersey
Ref. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830 , pg 32
Ref:U.S. LIbrary of Congress, National Union Catalog 15, (i)P. incl. &
Van Aken/Auken Newsletter & Robert A. Van Auken, North Canton , Ohio.
Minisink Valley Hist. Soc. data.
NOTE:Wilhelmust was executed 25 Jan 1822 by Sheriff Vancleal
More. He was tried and convicted of murdering his wife
Leah in Montague Township, NJ in the spring of 1821.
History of Sussex County, New Jersey...by Snell.
LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus
|Hester Shymer
!Married:25 Nov 1804, Wilhelmus Van Auken
!Baptised:29 Oct 1780, Walpack, Sussex County, New Jersey
Ref. Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records, 1716-18 30, pg 170
!Ref:U.S. LIbrary of Congress, National Union Catalog 15, (i)P. incl . &
Van Aken/Auken Newsletter & Robert A. Van Auken, North Canton, Ohio.
Minisink Valley Hist. Soc. data.
!NOTE:Wilhelmust was executed 25 Jan 1822 by Sheriff Vancleal
More. He was tried and convicted of murdering his wife
Leah in Montague Township, NJ in the spring of 1821.
History of Sussex County, New Jersey...by Snell.
Jacob Van Auken, son of Abraham Van Auken, and Rachel Quick.
Married: Elizabeth ...?????
!Myrum Van Auken, daughter of Hester Shymer and Wilhelmus Van Auken
!NOTE:Myrum (Sp) was given some land by James Van Auken in his will.
!LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-Myrum
!Abraham Van Auken, b 1830, son of Aaron Van Auken & Mary McCarty
!Catharine Van Aken, b 1802, daughter of Absolom Van Aken & Magdalen a Van
!Married:Jacob Van Vredenburgh 19 June 1819 Montague, Sussex County , New Jersey
by Rev. E. Van Bunschooten. Ref:[Book, Minisink Valley Reformed Dut ch
Church Records 1716-1830, pg257, A Heritage Classic dated 1913].
!Lester Westbrook, son of Cora Van Auken and ???... Westbrook.
!Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Cora-Lester
|Grietje Van Aken,bp 23 June 1778, Daughter of Isak Van Auken & Marga ret
!Married: Simeon Cole and had five children; 1. Peter 2. Jacobus 3 . William
4. David F. 5. Caty
!Baptised: 23 Jun 1778, Machackemeck, Deerpark, Dutch Reformed Church , Orange
County, New York.
Mary McCarty b 1798
Baptised:22 Jul 1898, Ref:Dutch Reformed Church, Walpack Sussex Count y, New
Married: in 1821, Aaron Van Auken, b 14 June 1798 bp 22 Jul 1898 d 18 75, son of Harmanus Van Auken & Hanah Wood
Died: 1877, buried Milford Cemetery RT 209 Pike County, Pennsylvania.
Martin S Van Auken, b 1851, son of Benjamin Van Auken & Susan Safford
Died:8 Jun 1863,12 yrs old, Brooklyn, Burried Old Cemetery, Brookly n Susquehanna County Pennsylvania.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Josaph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Martin S
Martha .....???
Married:Harmanus Van Auken son of Jacob Van Auken & Margriet Van Gard en
Larry Bob Van Auken, b 27 Oct 1958, son of Robert Leo Van Auken and J oyce
Elaine Hensley.
Baptism: 3 Nov 1974, Emmanuel Baptist Church, as the Trinity Baptis t Church
had no Baptistery at that time. Weatherford, Custer County , Oklahoma.
Married:1st Lisa Gwen Justice 10 Apr 1982, at Apple Valley, Los Angel es County, California and divorced 14 Feb 1986, getting custody of h is son Thor James (TJ).
2nd Pandoda Kay Wilson with two children: Nathen Robert Math eny and Devin Grace Matheny
Note:Larry Bob and Barry Joe were the first of two sets of twins. La rry
joined the United States Air Force three days after graduati ng from high school.
Sports: While in school he was very active in sports, Baseball, Baske tball,
Bowling and Football.
===================================================================== ========
Military Biography
Technical Sergeant Larry B Van Auken is an Aero Element Shift Supervi sor with the 49th Maintenance Squadron, 49th Fighter Wing, Holloman A ir Force Base, New Mexico. He is 38 years old.
Sergeant Van Auken was born in El Reno, Oklahoma on 27th of October , 1958. He graduated from Weatherford High School in May 1977. Afte r completion of basic millitary training at Lackland AFB, Texas, he r eceived training as a Aircraft Maintenance specialist at Sheppard AFB , also in Texas. He was then assigned to the 512 Aircraft Maintenanc e Branch, 86th Aircraft Generation Squadron, Ramstein AB, Germany whe re he went to work as a F-4E dedicated Crew Chief. While at Ramstei n he earned promotion below the zone to Senior Airmen. In August of 1 980 he was reassigned to the 563rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit, 37th Ai rcraft Generation Squadron at George AFB, Calafornia. There he conti nued to develop his skills as an airgraft crew chief this time on th e F-4G wild Weasela. After two years with the Weasels, Sgt Van Auke n was selected for reassignment to the then highly classified 4450t h Maintenance Squadron. There he worked as a Repair and Reclamatio n Specialist with the still infant F-117A Stealth Fighter Program. I n August 1986 he went back to the Wild Weasels at George for four mor e years a dedicated crew chief. While back at George he successfull y completed rivet work force training to become a fully qualified air craft Mechanic to include certification on engins and hydraulic syste ms. From August 1990 to May 1991 Sgt Van Auken found himself deploye d to Saudi Arabia in support of operation Desert Storm. During thi s time he performed as the Hard-Broke Maintenance Team Leader for th e Wild Weasels, returning crippled aircraft to mission ready status f or the war effort. After the war he returned to George AFB and worke d as the F-4G Transfer Dock Chief. In this capacity he supervising t he inspection, Troubleshooting, repair, and servicing of aircraft bei ng transferred off station before his present assignment to Holloma n AFB New Mexico.
Tsgt Van Auken's decorations include the USAF Commendation medal wit h one oak leaf cluster, the USAF Achievement Medal with two oak lea f clusters, the Air Force Good Conduct Medal with one Silver oak lea f cluster, the National Defense Service Medal, the Southwest Asia Ser vice Medal with three service stars, the Kuwait Liberation Medal fro m the kinggdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Kuwait Liberation Medal fro m the kingdom of Kuwait.
He has two children, Thor James and Rhiannon, ages 13 and 14, respect ively.
Line:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-Larry
!Jane Van Auken, b 23 Aug 1804, daughter of Absolom Van Auken & Magda lena
Van Auken.
!Baptized:5 Jun 1808, Maheckemack Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark, Or ange
County, New York. Ref: Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Churc h Records
1716-1830 pg 240
!LINE: (Father)Marinus-Abraham-Daniel-Absolom-Jane
!Line: (Mother)Marinus-Isaac-Isaac Jr-Magdalena-Jane
!Sidney Van Auken, b 1838, d 1915, son of Benjamin Westbrook Van Auke n and
Susan Safford.
!Married:1st Frances Janette Boyd in 1859 had four children
2nd Eliza Louise Wrenn in 1879 had one child
3rd Clementine Cope (Renwick) in 1906
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Sidney
!Olive E Van Auken, b 1861, daughter of Sidney Van Auken and France s Jenette
!Married:Fred Braga
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Sidney-Olive E
Minnie A Van Auken, b 1864, daughter of Sidney Van Auken and France s Jenette
!Married:W. H. Dewing
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Sidney-Minnie A
Sarah Van Auken, b 19 Jul 1810, daughter of Jacobus Van Auken & Jan e Decker.
Baptised:3 Jun 1810, by Thomas Pomp. Ref. minister of Eastern Pennsyl vania.
Walpack Dutch Reformed Church Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg59.
Married: Thomas Tucker Dec 1831
!Everett (Coert Hiram) Van Aken, b 1807, son of Absolom Van Aken & M agdalena
Van Aken.
!Married:1st Phoebe Meirs in 1828 had eight children
2nd Sarah Wilson in 1844 had five children
!James Johnson Van Auken, b 29 Jun 1807, daughter of Jacobus Van Auke n & Jane
!Baptised:23 Aug 1807, by Thomas Pomp. Ref. minister of Eastern Penns ylvania.
Walpack Dutch Reformed Church Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg57.
!Eliza Johnson Van Auken, b 8 Mar 1804, daughter of Jacobus Van Auke n & Jane
!Baptised:27 May 1804, by Elias Van Benschoten, Walpack Dutch Reforme d Church
Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg53.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacobus-Eliza J
!Hannah Van Auken, b 13 JUl 1800, daughter of Jacobus Van Auken & Jane
!Baptised: 1800, by Elias Van Benschoten, Walpack Dutch Reformed Chur ch
Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg48.
!Grietie Van Auken, b 7 Aug 1797, daughter of Jacobus Van Auken & Jane
!Baptised:27 Aug 1797, by Elias Van Benschoten, Walpack Dutch Reforme d Church
Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg46.
!John Van Auken, b 9 Jun 1794, son of Jacobus Van Auken & Jane Decker.
!Baptised:17 Aug 1794, by Elias Van Benschoten, Walpack Dutch Reforme d Church
Sussex County, New Jersey.
Ref: [Book, A Heritage Classic dated 1913] Minisink Valle y Reformed
Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830, pg44.
|Corlelius Van Aken, b 1798, son of Joshua Van Auken & Elizabrth Ennes
!Married: Marie (Polly) Van Auken, 1872, had six children
!Harvey Van Aken, b 1827, son of Corlelius Van Aken & Maria Van Aken.
! Married: 1st Martha Ann De Puy and had nine children.
2nd Lois Oblett, (no known children).
!Esther McDuffe,
!Married:in 1850, James B Van Auken, b 1825, d 1886, son of Jacob J V an Auken &
Hannah Brooks.
!Died:16 Mar 1884 in Waltham Iowa
Isaac Van Auken, b 17 Jun 1735, son of Isaac Van Auken & Rachel De Wi tt
Baptized:13 Jun 1736, Maheckemack Dutch Reformed Church, Deerpark, Or ange
County, New York.
Married: Margaret Hornbeck 22 Nov 1754 at Maheckemack DR Church Orang e Counrt, New York. Isaac Van Aken, young man born a t Wawarsink, Ulster County, New York to Margriet Hoornb eeck, young woman born at Machackemech, and both dwelling a t shippekonk, married the 22d of November 1754, banns pub lished 13 Oct 1754.
Died:Isaac died before 1 Mar 1814 in Machackemack, Orange County, Ne w York
LINE: Marinus-Isaak-Isaac
Joseph Van Auken, b 1799, son of Abraham Van Auken & Hannah Cortright.
Baptized:16 Mar 1800 Clove Dutch Reformed Church
Married:Elizabeth Patterson 1 Dec 1824
Died:17 Feb 1784
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279
!Moses Van Auken, b 11 Jun 1801, son of Abraham Van Auken & Hannah Co rtright.
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279
!Frederick Van Auken, son of Abraham Van Auken & Hannah Cortright.
!Married:Mary ...????
!Baptised:3 Nov 1805
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279
Margaret Hornbeck b. 26 Aug 1736, daughter of Evert Hornbeck and Magd alena
Baptized:26 Aug 1736
Married: Isaac Van Aken Jr. 22 Nov 1754 at Maheckemak Dutch Reforme d Church
Deerpark, Orange County, New York, by Rev. J. C. Fryenmuth.
Ref:Isaac Van Auken, young man, born at Wawarsink, to Margr iet
Hoornbeeck, young woman, born at Machackemech, and bot h dwelling at Shippekonk. Banns poster 13 Oct 1 754.
Died:22 Jul 1796 Buried Machackemeck Cemetary Port Jarvis, Orange Cou nty, New York.
!Julian Van Auken, b 1809, son of Abraham Van Auken & Hannah Courtrig ht.
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279
!Elizabeth Van Auken, b 1811, son of Abraham Van Auken & Hannah Court right.
!Married:Leonard Witherwax
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279
Isaak Van Auken son of Marinus Van Auken & Peternella De Pre
Baptized: 5 Jul 1702 Rochester, Ulster County, New York
Married: Rachel De Witt 15 Apr 1723, sister of Jannetje De Witt who m arried Abraham Van Auken brother of Isaac.
Died: 27 Nov 1761 Montaque, Sussex County, New Jersey
NOTE: Isaak moved to the Menissink Country and settled at Shippekon k in Montaque Twp, NJ.
!Joseph Quick son of Gretjie Van Aken, John Quick
!Baptized:5 May 1785, Minisink Valley Dutch Reformed Church Records,
1716-1830, p 179, Witnesses: Joseph Van Aken & Elizabeth We stfael
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg.279. Marcia Mason 1029 E. Washburn, Saginaw, Mi.
Marinus Van Aken, born before 1660 at Aix-La-Chapelle, Netherlands.
Married:1st Prijntje Rents in Holland before 1683. No children.
2nd Pieternella DePre on 11 Apr 1683 at Cadzand, Holland.Pie ternella
born in Holland. They had eight Children.
Died:1724 at [Raysester] Rochester, Orange County New York.
NOTE:The first of the Van Auken family to come to America was Marinus, of the ancient city of Aken, now known as Aix-La-Chapelle, and located between the Rhine nad the Meuse rivers on th e borders of Holland and Belgum. It is clamed that Marinus was the only one of the family to come to America, thoug h itis said others of the name came here later, but it is no t clear if they are of the same family. The name has been changed several times from Van Aaken to Van Auken/Aken/Akin and several more. Marinus and his wife Pieternella came to the states early as their first child, Pieter was born in Oct 1685. Ref erence: from Old Ulster, Vol4 p.277, The Van Aaken and Alied Families compiled by A. M. Ronk of Brooklyn New York, the van Aken family by Warren Packer of Yuma, Ar 1966, genealogy of the Van Aken family by R R Hoes. The History of Orange County New York by Samuel W Eager Esq. 1846/47. The oath of alleglance to English Goverment in Kingston 1685/89. Marinus was a resident of Ulster County since 1683.
In the Ulster County, New York, Deed Book 2, pp. 134 and 135, we find mention of Marinus and Pieternelle Van Aken: Aeltie Doorn, Widow of Aert Doorn; late of Mombackus, deceased, for 2400 schepeis of wheat sell to Marinus Van Aken of Horly, land at Mombackus, called Macmesaminck, containing 100 acres, with ye housing, bar n and appurtenances. Said tract did formerly belong unto Philip Schuitler, who Conveyed same to the grantor.
Signed in Kingston, 23 April 1684 Aeltie Doorn
Witnesses: N. Anthony, W.D. Meyer, Ja: Rutse, J.P.
Marinus Van Aken of Horly and Pieternelle his wife, for certain sum of money buy from Aeltie Doorn of Mombackus land at same called Macmesaminck, containing 100 acres with ye housing, barn, and appurtenances, said tract formerly belonging to Philip Schuitler, who conveyed it to Doorn.
CONDITION: If Marinus Van Aken and Pieternelle, his wife, pay to Aeltie Doorn 2400 schapals of wheat, delivered in Kingston in eight dis tinct payments (February next to April 1698), deed to be Void.
Signed 24 April 1684 Marinus Van Aken & Pietyernell e Van Aken
Witnesses; N. Anthonh, W.D. Meyerr, Ja: Rutse, J.P.
Source: "Descendants of Marinus Van Aken of Ulster Cou nty, New York" Warren M. Packer, 1866. LINE:Marinus
!Femetie Van Aken, b 1803 daughter of Isaac Van Aken & Rachel DeWitt
!Baptised: , Machackemeck, (Deerpark) Dutch Reformed Church, Port
Jarvis, Orange County, New York.
Ref:[Book, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records , 1716
-1830,] A heritage Classic dated 1913. pg
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Femetie D
!Polly Van Auken, daughter of Hester Shymer and Wilhelmus Van Auken
!Married:[Possivle marriage of] John Osterhoudt 7 Jul 1831 Dutch Refo rmed
Church, Montague New Jersey
!NOTE:Polly Vanaukin was given some land by James Van Auken in his wi ll.
!LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-Polly
!James Van Auken, b 14 Dec 1812, son of Hester Shymer and Wilhelmus V an Auken
!Married:Julia Elizabeth Van Hoesen, in 1848, Dutch Reformed Church , Montague
New Jersey
NOTE:A James Van Auken was living as a brother-in-law with J ane Latear in 1900. James had only one recognized brot her, Joseph who is thus likely to have been married to Jan e Latear.
!NOTE:James Vanaukin was given some land by James Van Auken in his w ill.
!LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-James
Abraham Van Auken son of Marinus Van Auken and Peternella De Pre.
Married:Jannetje De Witt
Ronk also claims this couple had children named: Isaac, Jerem iah, and
probably Leah.
NOTE:Abraham Settled at Machackemeck, near Port Jervis, NY about 1730 . He owned considerable property and in 1739 was one of th e largest taxpayers in the town of Deerpark, the tax levied bein g for the erection of the first jail in Goshen.
Church: He united with the Machachemeck church on 27 March 1755.
Job:Abraham was one of the earliest Justices of the Peace.
!Abraham Van Aken b 1699. Son of Marinus and Pieternella De Pre.
!Baptised: 29 Oct 1699, Esopus [Kingston], Ulster County, New York, O ld Dutch
Church, New York, 1660-1809.
!Married:18 Apr 1723, Jannetjen DeWitt and settled at Machackemeck, n ear Port
Jarvis, Orange County, New York.
!NOTE: Was one of the earliest Justice of the Peace in the area of Po rt
Jarvis .In 1739 was one of the largest tax payers in the tow n of
Deerpark, owned considerable property. Tax was to erect a jai l in
Goshen. The only other Van Aken assessed for that purpose wa s Isaac who lived on the "Old Mine Road" in Montague, New J ersey, claimed by NewYork at that time.
Abraham and Isaac and Cornelis moved by way of the Old Mine Ro ad
through the Catskill mountains, into the Neversink Valley. A t that
time the line between New York and New Jersey had not bee n established.
Ref: Church Life May-June 1896
!NOTE:There isen't a consensus of birth for this family, 1727 - 1747
Ronk does not have Lydia b 1738 or Blanda b 1747. He does hav e Lydia
b 1746 married to Benjamin (son of Gideon, Pieter, Marinus) bap t 1753.
Also says Abraham had sons Isaac, Duanyel & Jeremiah & a daught er Leah
married to Abraham Middagh. Old Ulster & Packer have 2nd Bland ina
married 22 Jan 1757 to Bryan Hommel. (Only 10 Years old). Coul d the
childrens dates be bapt instead of birth?? Packer has Abraham &
Jannetie as witnesses to two of Bryan Hommel and Blandina's chi ldren
in 1759 & 1765. If the first Blandina was born before 1743 (ab t 1740)
and bapt late she could be the one married to Hommel.
Ref: Rober A Van Auken, Ohio, Glorya Welch, California.
!Died:Machackemeck, Orange County, New York
!Julia Elizabeth Van Hoesen, b 1830
!Married:James Van Auken, 1848
|Karen Hoppauch Van Auken, b 29 Aug 1816, daughter of Leah Van Auke n and
Wilhelmus Van Auken
|LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-Karen H
|Joseph D Van Auken, son of Hester Shymer and Wilhelmus Van Auken
!Married:Jane Letear Van Hoesen
!NOTE:Joseph Vanaukin was given some land by James Van Auken in his w ill.
|LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-Joseph D
!Jane Letear
!Married:Joseph D Van Auken
|Priscilla Van Auken, b 15 Apr 1818, daughter of Leah Van Auken and W ilhelmus
Van Auken
!NOTE:Priscilla was given some land by James Van Auken in his will.
|LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-Priscilla
|Sarah Van Auken, b 17 July 1819, daughter of Leah Van Auken and Wilh elmus
Van Auken
!NOTE:Sara Vanaukin was given some land by James Van Auken in his wil l.
|LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-Sarah
Ruth Van Auken, b. 1887, daughter of Charles H Van Auken & Annie ...? ??
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph=Isaac-Amos-Daniel G-Charles H-Ruth
!Elizabeth Van Auken, b 1815, daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Elizabeth
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster Vol . 5,
pg. 279 & New Testament from Marcis Mason Saginaw, Michigan
!Daniel D Van Aken, b 1800, son of Peter Van Aken & Hannah ...???
!LINE:Marinus-Cornelis-Johannes-Peter-Daniel D
!Joseph Van Auken, b Nov 1850, son of James B Van Auken & Esther McDu ffie
!Married:Ellen Jane Marsh 03 Sep 1871 in West Irving, Iowa
!Died:7 May 1928 in Waltham, Iowa
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-James B-Joseph
!Ellen Jane Marsh, b 13 May 1854, daughter of Leonard Marsh and...???
!Married:in West Irving Iowa,03 Sep 1871, Joseph Van Auken, b 1850, s on of
James B Van Auken & Esther McDuffie
!Died:28 Nov 1938 in Elberon, Iowa
!Lewis M. Van Auken, b 1872, son of Joseph Van Auken & Ellen Jane Mar sh
!Died:1874, died young
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-James B-Joseph-Lewis M
Grace Van Auken, b Aug 1877, daughter of Joseph Van Auken & Ellen Jan e Marsh
Married:25 Dec 1897, Adrian Rossitur Fox in Waltham, Iowa
Died:13 Dec 1918 Waltham, Ia
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-James B-Joseph-Grace
Nettie Van Auken, b 1883, daughter of Joseph Van Auken & Ellen Jane M arsh
Married:Elmer Elsworth Stevenson
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacobus-Jacob J-James B-Joseph-Nettie
!Sidney Van Auken, b 1849, son of James Van Auken & Julia Elizabeth V an Hoesen.
!INE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-James-Sidney
Pieter Van Aken, b 1685, son of Marinus Van Aken & Pieternella De Pre.
Baptised: 11 Oct 1685. Old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster County Ne w York,
1660-1809. Witnesses or Sponsors were Pieter Le Grand an d Maritie
Married: Rusjen Damen (Rosie Dame) 9 Apr 1709 and had nine children . Settled
in Pike County Pennsylvania.
Died: 16 Dec 1756, Lehman Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania.
NOTE: Reference: Land records in Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
Ronk does not have Jesyntjen b.1723; Source: KRDC, Olde Ulste r, RR
Hoes, "Church Life" Vol 9, Nos 2-3 WM Packer - #2, Mormon Recor ds,
Newton NJ Herald' 24 June 1965, The Tom Quick Story, D.N. Rayn c Yester-
year, Vol 7, #28, June 1964, P. 216
!Pieter Van Aken, son of Marinus Van Aken and Pieternella De Pre
!Baptized: Oct 1685 in Dutch Refprmed Church Kingston Ulster County N ew York
!Married: Rusjenor Rose Damm/Damen 9 Apr 1709
!Died: 16 Dec 1756 at Lehman Twnshp, Pike County, Pennsylvania
!LINE: Marinus-Pieter
!Darwin Van Auken, b 1855, son of James Van Auken $ Julia Elizabeth V an Hoesen.
!LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-James-Darwin
Theron Van Auken, b 1858, son of James Van Auken & Julia Elizabeth Va n Hoesen.
LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-James-Theron
!Graham Van Auken, b, son of James Van Auken & Julia Elizabeth Van Ho esen.
!LINE:Marinus Isaac-Isaac-Joseph L-Wilhelmus-James-Graham
!Elizabeth Van Auken, b 1782, daughter of Benjamin Van Auken & Margar et
!Nancy Van Auken, b 1777, daughter of Benjamin Van Auken & Margaret C hesney.
Kent Leo Van Auken, b 22 Feb 1968, son of Robert Leo Van Auken and Jo yce Elaine Hensley.
Baptized: Never
Married: Never
Died: 25 Feb 1958
Kent Leo and Keith Alan is the second set of twins for Robert Leo Va n Auken & Joyce Elaine Henslet. Kent only lived three days and ha s no proof of birth (certificate) due to the regulations in the Phi lippines. We do have a death certificate for him.
Died:Robert and Joyce had a choice to bury Kent in the Phillipines o r on the nearest American soil. They chose the latter and buried hi m at Diamond Head, Punch Bowl, National Memorial Cemetery, Honolulu , Hawaii. Mother Joyce never had the chance to hold him as he was bo rn in very bad shape and only seen him once for a few minutes.
Birth-Death-Cemetery records in posession of Robert L Van Auken, 92 4 West Proctor, Weatherford, Custer County, Oklahoma, 73096-4432
Line:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-Kent
!Sara Van Aken, b 1687, Kingston, daughter of Marinus Van Aken and
Pieternella DePre.
!Baptised: 12 Feb 1688, Old Dutch Church, Kingston, Ulstra County, Ne w York
York, Witnesses & Sponsor Jan Schenck & Beletje Pietress.
!Married: Niclaus Westfall 20 Oct 1712 at Kingston,she had marriage b ands published in Kingston Ulster County New York o n 5 Oct 1712 Ref:
Old Dutch Church marriage record #286.
1. Peternella b.30 Aug 1713 2. Jurian b.23 Sep 1716 m Ca trina
Terwilligen 25 Oct 1754 3. Maria b 24 May 1719, 4. Eli zabeth
b.18 Nov 1722 m Benjamin Tomson 9 Feb 1746 5.Lydia b.1 6 Jan
!Anthony Van Auken, b 1827, d 1903, son of Moses Van Auken and Mary V an Etten.
!Married: Mary Lord in 1849
!Mary Van Auken, b 1 May 1862, daughter of Anthony Van Auken & Mary L ord
!Baptized:Baptist Church as a young girl
!Married:Charles Zeigler 5 Feb 1891, Spencer Township, Medina County , Ohio
!Died:19 Dec 1928 Swanton, Fulton County, Ohio
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Moses-Anthony-Mary A
!NOTE: Memoriam- Toledo Blade Dec 1928, Mary Ann Van Auken, daughte r of Anthony
Van Auken and Mary Lord, was born 1 May 1862, living the great er part of
her life in Spencer Township. About 11 years ago with her hus band, she
moved to Swanton Township, where she departed this life, 19 De cember
1928, aged 66 years, 7 months and 18 days.
She was united in marriage with Charles Zeigler, 5 Februar y 1891. To
them were born eight children. 1. Minnie 2. Oma 3. Emily 4. Ji nnie
5. Elizabeth 6. Ethel 7. Charles 8. John
Mrs Zeigler was redeived into full membership of the Baptis t Church
during her girlhood by the Rite of Baptism. She was a faithfu l member of
the church and steadfast in her faith.
Her memory, as a faithful and devoted wife, mother and sist er is
cherished by Husband, children, three sisters and on brother.
We stand in the presence of mystery. We trust our Heavenl y Father,
who knows the way, who holds the key and guides us with unerri ng hand.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. I. Lau at th e Spencer
church, Dec 22, at 2:00 P.M. Committal services were held a t the
Harding Township Cemetery where the body reposed.
Card of Thanks
We desire to tender our thanks to the many, who thought kin dly
ministrations, words of comfort, and beautiful expressions o f sympathy,
held to lighten our hours of trial and bereavement.
Charles Zeigler and family
Ref:Paul Schoenfelt and Van Aken/Auken Newsleter Vol 13 No 3, 1 5 Aug 1996
Mary Lord
Married: Anthony Van Auken 1849
Catrina Van Aken, b 1692, daughter of Marinus Van Auken and Peternell a DePre.
Baptised: 16 Oct 1692, Old Dutch Church, Kingston,Ulster County, Ne w York,
1660-1809. Witnesses & Sponsor: NONE.
Married: Cornelis De Pue 6 May 1713, both resided under the jurisdict on of
Roester (Rochester). Catrina was 20 y.
Laura E Bond
Married:Abijah Calkin Van Aken
Samuel Van Auken, b 1824, son of Moses Van Auken and Mary Van Etten
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Moses-Samuel
James Wallace Van Auken, b Abt 1826, son of Moses Van Auken and Mar y Van Etten
Married:Susan LaForge
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Moses-James W
Ref: 1900 Census Bradford County, Sayre Boro. Pennsylvania
!Edgar L Van Auken, b Abt ??? son of Moses Van Auken and Mary Van Ett en
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Moses-Edgar
!Joseph McCarty Van Auken, b 10 Oct 1823, son of Aaron Van Auken & Ma ry McCarty
!Baptized: 30 Oct 1825, Walpack Dutch Reformed Church Sussex County , New Jersey
!Married:Mary Ambrosia Lyon in 1856.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Joseph M
!Jacob McCarty Van Auken, b 1826, son of Aaron Van Auken & Mary McCar ty
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Jacob Mc
!Mary Ambrosia Lyon, b 1829, daughter of
!Married: Joseph McCarty Van Auken in 1856
!Rachel Van Aken, b 1695, daughter of Marinus Van Aken and Pieternella
De Pre.
!Baptised:9 Jun 1695, Old Dutch Church, Kingston, Ulster County, Ne w York,
1660-1809. Witnesses or Sponsor, Salomon Puy & Rache l Sleghtenhorst.
!Married: William Dekker 30 Apr 1719, at Kingston, Ulster County, Ne w York.
!Webb Wallace Van Auken b 1867, son of Joseph McCarty Van Auken & Mar y Ambrosia
!Died:1869, buried Milford Cemetery Rt 209, Pike County, Pennsylvania
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Joseph M-Webb W
Clara G Van Auken, b 28 Nov 1859, daughter of Benjamin Westbrook Va n Auken and Susan Safford.
Died:8 Dec 1860, died young, 1 mo old, Buried, Old Cemetery, Brooklky n Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
LINE:Marinus-Isaal-Joseph-Isaac-Benjamin W-Clara G
!Neltje Van Aken, daughter of Marinus Van Aken & Pieternella De Pre
!Baptised: 11 Sep 1697, Old Dutch Church, kingston, Ulster County, Ne w York
!Married: 1st 18 Nov 1724, Jan Emmans, Kingston, Ulster County, New Y ork.
2nd Edwardt Robbertz
Yssak Van Auken son of Isaak Van Auken and Rachel DeWitt
Baptized: 12 Apr 1730, Old Dutch Church, Kingston, Ulster County, Ne w York
Married: Never
Died: Young
Line: Marinus-Isaak-Isaak
Jacob Van Auken, b 1733, born Rochester, Orange County, New York, so n of
Isaac Van Auken & Rachel DeWitt.
Baptized: 4 Feb 1733, Kingston Ulster County New York, Reformed Dutc h Church.
Married: Margriet Van Garden, 10 Apr 1752, at Machackemech, Dutch Ref ormed
Church, Sussex County, New Jersey. Banns posted 8 Mar 1752 , Jacob
Van Aken young man, born at Rochester, to Margriet van Gard en young woman born at Shippekonk and both dwelling t here. Banns poster 8 March 1752.
Ref. Marriage Records 1716-1830, pg 268, taken from a pamphlet b y Rev.J.P. Ten Eyck, printed 1877. Marriage ceremonies performed b y J.C. Fryenmuth.
Note: Olde Ulster also lists Children Lisabeth bp 3 Nov 1754, an d Femmentje bp 13 Feb 1756. Baptized by D G W Manzius at Machackeme ck (Deerpark) as children of this couple. It is believed this is i n error and the children belong to Johannes Van Auken an d Maria Van Garden. 1790 Census of Lower Smithfield, Pennsylvania s hows Jacob as living beside his sons.
Source: Walpeck NJ Reformed Church, RR Hoes, Deerpark Reformed Church , 1790
census Lower Smithfield Pennsylvania. Ref. Minisink Vall ey Reformed Dutch Church records, 1716-1830, pg268 Sep 19 81, Marcia Mason Saginaw, Mi. Vol. 18 pg 17 Family 20 N.Y.
Geneal & Biog. Record.
Died:aft 1790
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob
Joseph Van Aken, b 1739, son of Isaac Van Aken & Rachel DeWitt
Baptised: 29 May 1739, Machackemeck, (Deerpark) Dutch Reformed Church , Port
Jarvis, Orange County, New York.
Ref:[Book, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Church Records , 1716
-1830,] A heritage Classic dated 1913. pg 100. Witnesse s or Spnsor, Cornelis Westbrook & Antje Rosa.
Married: Elizabeth Westfaal, Machackemeck Dutch Reformed Church, Por t Jarvis
Orange County, New York.
Wills: V36 p 250 10 Nov 1787 Samuel Westfaal of Wantage, Sussex Count y,
New Jersey:, fellow Bondsman Joseph Van Auken.
Sussex Grantor Index: Abraham & Isaac to David Compton Vol C 2 pg 99
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Joseph
!Jonathon Perry Lee Holland, son of Molly Ann Holland
!Born 18 Mar 1990 San Diego Navy Hospital, San Diego County, Californ ia.
!Church:Dedicated Apr 1990, Non Denomonational church, La Mesa Califo rnia.
Alva Morgan Van Auken, b 1856, son of Joseph McCarty Van Auken and
Mary Ambrosia Lyon
Married: 1892 1st. Elsie Corcoran
1916 2nd. Irma Freeman
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Joseph M-Alva M
!Alston Morgan Van Auken, b 1865, son of Joseph McCarty Van Auken and
Mary Ambrosia Lyon
!Married: 1888 Alicia Sarah Corcoran
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Joseph M-Alston M
!Elsie Corcoran
!Married:1892 Alva Morgan Van Auken
!Irma Freeman
!Married:1916 Alva Morgan Van Auken
Amanda Van Auken, b 1858, daughter of Anthony Van Auken & Mary Lord
Baptized:Baptist Church as a young girl
Married:1883 Romaine A Taylor
Died: 1930
Rachel Van Aken, b 1756, daughter of Iassc Van Auken & Margaret Hornb eek.
Married:1st Nicholas Schoonhover Jr.
2nd Noah Washburn
!Augustus Albert Van Auken b 1857, son of Joseph McCarty Van Auke n & Mary
Ambrosia Lyon
!Died:1866, buried Milford Cemetery Rt 209, Pike County, Pennsylvania
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Joseph M-Augustus A
!Bernice May Van Auken, b 1880, daughter of Joseph McCarty Van Auke n and
Mary Ambrosia Lyon
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Joseph M-Bernice M
!Madison Van Auken, b 1851, son of Anthony Van Auken & Mary Lord
!Married:Mary A Brown
!Died: 1933
Joseph Van Aken, son of Isaac Van Auken & Margaret Hornbeck.
Married: Elsie Van Vredenbergh.
Baptised:12 Feb 1758, Machackemeck, Deerpark, Orange County, New York.
Witnesses, Jacob van Aaken & Margriet van Garden.
Ref:[Book, A Heritage Classic, dated 1913, Minisink Valley Refo rmed Dutch Church Records, 1716-1830. pg134
Mary A. Brown
Married:Madison Van Auken
Died: 1933
!LeRoy Van Auken, b 1877, son of Madison Van Auken & Mary Brown
!Married:1899, Grace May Green
!Died: 1936
Jacobus Van Aken, b 24 Mar 1764, son of Isaac Van Auken & Margaret Ho rnbeck.
Baptised: 8 Apr 1764, Minisink Dutch Reformed Church, Orange County N ew York. Witnesses: Jacobus Hornbeek & Lydia Hoornbe ck.
Ref:A Heritage Classic dated 1913, copy of Minisink Valle y Reformed Dutch Church records 1716 - 1830, pg 14 7.
Married: Cathrina Westbrook, 19 Feb 1789, by Rev Elias Van Bunschoote n.
Heritage Classic pg 276.
NOTE:The will of James (Jacobus) Van Auken, S/O Isaac and Margaret Va n Auken
would be an uncle of Wilhelmus (the murder). His wife was C athrina Westbrook. Cathrina must have been related to Hes ter Shiner as she willed money to Cattrina Shimer wife of A braham Shiner. James and Cathrina had no known children . The will of James (hand written and difficult to read , states "I give to Catterine Jane Biddis, Myrum (SP? ) Vanaunin, Polly Vanaukin, James Vanaukin, Joseph V anaukin, Carson (SP?) Vanaukin, Priscilla, Vanaukin, Sara h Vanaukin, being children of Wilhelmus Vanaunik b y his first and second wife and Leah Vanaukin by her fi rst and second husband,______" some land. Ca ty or Catherine Jane Biddis was a child of Leah's firs t marriage, christened at the Dutch Reformed Church, Wal peck, New Jersey in 1809.
The mother of each of Wilhelmus children is something o f a problem. It would appear that the first two listed in t he will were children of Hester Shymer and the remander wer e children of Leah Van Auken.
A John Osterhaudt married a Polly Van Auken on 7 July 183 1 at Dutch
Reformed Church at Montague New Jersey. She may have bee n the daughter of Wilhelmus. Joseph's marriage to Jan e Latear is also an assumption. A James Van Auken born 181 2 was living as a brother-in -law with Jane Latear in 1900 . James had only one recognized brother, Joseph wh o is thus likely to have ben married to Jane Later.
Ref:Roberta Scheflen, New York, information from Cuddebeck Family Rec ords.
Ref Vol 12 No 3 Van Aken/Auken Newsletter 15 Aug 1995.
Died: 1844
Lydia who married David G. Finch 2. Mary who married Col.Benjamin
Woodward, and 3. Sally who married Thomas Van Etten.
Ref:Roberta Scheflen, New York, information from Cuddebeck Family Rec ords,
Ref, Vol 12 No 3 Van Aken/Auken Newsletter. 15 Aug 1995.
!Charles Van Auken, b 1870, son of Jacob McCarty Van Auken and Elizab eth
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Jacob Mc-Charles
Elizabeth Van Auken, b 1870, son of Jacob McCarty Van Auken and Eliza beth
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Jacob Mc-Elizabeth
!Joseph Van Auken, b 1864, son of Jacob McCarty Van Auken and Elizabe th
!Married:Cora Baker
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Jacob Mc-Joseph
!Cora Baker
!Married:Joseph Van Auken son of Jacob McCarty Van Auken & Elizabeth
!Herbert Madison Van Auken, b 1894, son of Madison Van Auken and Mar y A Brown
!Married:1918 Eva May Bunker
!Died: 1977
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Moses-Anthony-Madison-Herbert M
Seletie Van Aken b.1773, daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Margaret Hornb eck.
Baptised:17 Oct 1773, Machackemeck, (Deerpark) Dutch Reformed Church , Orange
County, New York. p 164
Seletta Van Aken b.1776, daughter of Isaac Van Auken & Margaret Hornb eck,
Baptised:25 Nov 1776, Machackemeck, (Deerpark) Dutch Reformed Church , Orange
County, New York. p 167
Elizabeth Patterson
Married:1824 Joseph A Van Auken
!Christopher Van Auken, b 1833, son of Joseph Van Auken and Elizabeth
!Married:Hannah M Patterson
!Hannah H Patterson
!Married:Christopher Van Auken
Grietje Van Aken, b 1778, Daughter of Isak Van Auken & Margaret Hornb eck.
Baptised: 23 Jun 1778, Machackemeck, Deerpark, Dutch Reformed Church , Orange
County, New York.
Married: Simeon Cole 22 Jan 1797 by Rev E. Van Bunschooten. Ref Mini sink-
Machackemech Dutch Church Records.
George Wood
Married:Emma Van Auken
!Ellis J Van Auken, b 1857, son of Christopher Van Auken and Hanna h M Patterson
!Married:Eliza Jane Carpenter 1878
!LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Joseph-Abraham-Joseph-Christopher-Ellis J
!Elizabeth Van Auken, b 1864, daughter of Christopher Van Auken and H annah M
!Married:Thomas Bross
!Hattie Van Auken, b 1863,daughter of Christopher Van Auken and Hannah
!Married:Samuel Wickersham or (Wickham)
!Ethel Van Auken b 1879, daughter ofMadison Van Auken and Mary Brown
!Married:Lewis Hunt in 1902
!Edith Van Auken b 1887, daughter ofMadison Van Auken and Mary Brown
!Married:Died in 1887 Young
!Simeon Van Auken, b 1849, son of Anthony Van Auken & Mary Lord
!Died: 1853 died young
!Emily Van Auken, b 1859, daughter of Anthony Van Auken & Mary Lord
!Married:Herbert Weed
Rachel De Witt, daughter of Jan De Witt and Wyntje Kiersted.
Married: 15 Apr 1723
Died: After 1738
Walter Van Auken son of Jacob Van Auken and Elizabeth Lattimore
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Aaron-Jacob Mc-Walter
!Leonard Witherwax son of
!Married:Elizabeth Van Auken and had 5 children 1. Andrew 2. Henry
3. William 4. Mary Ann 5. Catherine
Heather Renee Van Auken, daughter of Robert L Van Auken and Joyce E H ensley, b 16 Aug 1970, Tinker Air Force Base, Midwest City , Oklahoma County
Baptized:24 Oct 1982, By The Rev. Darryl Moore, First Baptist Church,
Weatherford, Custer County, Oklahoma.
Married: Brett Alan Fansler, May 1991, Cleveland County Courthouse , Norman,
Oklahoma. Divorced 21 Apr 1994, Cleveland County Courthouse , Norman
Married second Bret Wagner 7 Nov 1997. They can have no chi ldren
Note: During her school years, Heather was very active in Gymnastic s for a
period of eight years and won a great number of awards and wa s on the
swimming and diving team about four years and receivec many ri bbons for her efforts. They needed one more person in orde r to give a class in Life Saving by the Red Cross. She was no t old enough but could swim very well and they let her tak e the Red Cross Life Saving Class in swimming and she passe d with a high grade. She loved to play soft ball and footbal l with her big brothers. Her pass times was rideing her bik e, and roller skateing.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-
Mindy Lynn Van Auken, b 9 Apr 1980, daughter of Barry Joe & Michele A nn
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Robe rt L-
Barry J-Mindy L
!Cory Jay Van Auken, b 7 Sep 1982, Son of Barry Joe Van Auken & Miche le Ann
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rob ert L
Barry J-Cory J
!Tiffany Kay Van Auken, b 22 Apr 1985, daughter of Barry Joe Van Auke n and
Michele Ann Kolker.
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rob ert L-
Barry J-Tiffany K
Solomon Van Auken, b 1809, Son of Jacob J. Van Auken & Hanna Brooks.
Married:Matilda Scott
LINE:Marinus-Isaak-Jacob-Jacob J-Solomon
Evelyn Yvonne Skipworth, b. 1928, daughter of Stuts Agustes Skipwort h and
Essie May Ornsby
Married: 1st .... Hawkins and had one child, Linda.
2nd Robert L. Van Auken 11 Jan 1951, Divorded 05 Aug 1956.
Died: 1 Jan 1989, buried Anadarko, Caddo County, Oklahoma,
!Bobby Stuts Van Auken, b 4 May 1952, son Robert Leo Van Auken and Ev elyn
Yvonne Skipworth, married Alice Irene McPherson, daughter of Cecil C arl
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo
Robert-Bobby S
!Bonnie Marie Van Auken, daughter of Robert Leo Van Auken and Evelyn
Yvonne Skipworth, b 10 Jul 1953, San Marcus Air Force Base,
San Marcus, Hays County Texas.
!Married: 2nd Davie Earl Hermance, 28 Dec. 1978, at State Line, Carson
County, Nevada.
1st Kenneth Dale Thompson of Gracemont, Caddo County, Oklah oma.
One child, divorced.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t-
Bonnie M
!Hiram Van Auken son of Jacob Van Auken and Sarah Hanna
!Married: 5 Sep 1863 to Mary Smith and lived in Middle Smithfield, Mo nroe County, Pennsylvania.
Sarah Hannah b. 26 Sep 1804,daughter of Benjamin Hanna & Hanna .....
Married: Jacob C. Van Auken
Died:15 Dec 1848, buried Presbyterian Cemetery, Middle Smithfield Tow nship,
Pike County, Pennsylvania.
Grave Stone of Hannah Van Auken inscription: Sarah Van Auken wife o f Jacob
Van Auken, daughter of Hannah and Benjamin Hanna, died Dec 1 5 1848,
age 44 yr. 2 mo. 19 da.
!Abraham Van Aken, b 18 Jan 1768, son of Joseph Van Auken & Elizabeth
!Baptised:31 Jan 1768. Ref:[Book, Minisink Valley Reformed Dutch Chur ch Records. 1716-1830, p152, AHeritage Classic, dtd 1 913] Witnesses: Abram Van Aaken & Maria Van Aaken
!Married: Hannah Cortright
!SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster Vol . 5 pg279
Hannah Cortright, daughter of
Married: Abraham Van Aken, son of Joseph Van Aken & Elizabeth Westfaal
SOURCE: NY Gen & Bio Record Vol 43 pg. 19,27,33,150. Olde Ulster
Vol. 5 pg. 279
!Emma Van Auken, b 1851, daughter of Jacob Van Auken & Phoebe Canfiel d.
!Married:George Wood
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Isaac Jacob-Jacob-Emma
!Bonnie Marie Van Auken, daughter of Robert Leo Van Auken and Evely n Yvonne
Skipworth, b 10 Jul 1953, San Marcus Air Force Base, San Marcus, Hays
County Texas, m 2nd Davie Earl Hermance, 28 Dec. 1978, at State Line,
Carson County, Nevada. 1st Kenneth Dale Thompson of Gracemont, Cadd o County.
Oklahoma. One child, divorced.
Miles J. Van Auken son of Daniel Van Auken and Betsy Jane Osborne.
Died:1981, Burried: Breesport Baptist Church Cemetery, Breesport Chem ung County, New York. Separate Tombstone.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Miles J
!Christopher Michel Hermance, b 25 Dec 1979, son of Bonnie Marie Va n Auken
& David Earl Hermance
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Le0 B-
Robert L-Bonnie M-Tina M
!Jennifer Lynne Hermance, b 11 Jun 1982, daughter of Bonnie Marie
Van Auken & David Earl Hermance
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Joseph-Isaac-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Le0 B-
Robert L-Bonnie M-Jennifer L
!Alice Irene McPherson b 3 Feb 1957, daughter of Cecil Carl McPherso n and
Arexella Bernice Johnson
!Married:2 Sep 1974, Bobby Stuts Van Auken
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L-
Bobby S
Lorie Nichole Van Auken b 21 Jun 1977 daughter of Bobby S Van Auken
and Alice Irene McPherson.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo
Robert-Bobby-Lorie N
Charles Decowski
Married: Shirley Van Auken, 21 Feb 1959. They had three children:
1. Gary Wayne, b 21Apr 1962, 2. Patricia Jane, b 28Mar1953,
3. Peggy Lou, b 3May1959
Charles and Shirley lived in the country where they had a Dairy farm.
They grew there own food for the animales and for themselves. Shirley
was very ill in her last few Years and Charles quit farming and gave
most of the farm to his son, Gary, and gave more of his attention to
Shirley until her death.
Shirley Ida Cleave Van Auken, b 4 Sep 1925, daughter of Leo Benjam i n Van Auken & Beatrice Viola Krause.
Baptized:Evengelical & Reformed Church, Vine and Second street, Berw i ck
Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Married: 1st Donals Slusser 2 Aug 1941 and divorced one year late r . They
had one child. Sondra (Yvonne) Marie Slusser.
Shirley Van Auken married 2nd Charles Decowski, 21 Feb 1959. They h a d Three
children: 1. Gary Wayne, b 21 Apr 1962, 2. Patricia Jane, b 28 Ma r 1 953, and 3. Peggy Lou, b 3 May 1959
Charles and Shirley lived in the country where they had a Dairy far m . They grew most of there own food for the animales and for themse lv es. Shirley was very ill in her last few Years and Charles quit f arm ing and gave most of the farm to his son, Gary, and gave more o f hi s attention to Shirley until her death.
Died: Services from Mayo Funeral Home, Shickshinny, Luzerne County , S aturday 9 Oct 1993 at 11:00 A.M., Officiating, the Reverand Jame s A . Dile, Town Hill United Methodist Church, of which she was a mem ber . Interment, Pine Grove Cemetery Cemetery, Huntington Township , Luz erne County, Pennsylvania, which is less than a mile for her c ountr y home. Shirley also had two other girls, Judith Ann b. 20 Se p 1943 , Fathered by Leslie Wade, and adopted to Mr & Mrs Guy Emeric , and R oslin Kay b 23 Feb 1945. Died:4/5 Mar 1945, Fathered by Edwar d Topper.
LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Shir ley I C
Crystal Beth Van Auken b 26 Jan 1980 daughter of Bobby S Van Auken
and Alice Irene McPherson, born in Frankfort On/Main, Germany.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo
Robert-Bobby-Crystal B
!Emma Van Auken, b 1851, daughter of Jacob Van Auken & Phoebe Canfiel d.
!Married:George Wood
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Isaac Jacob-Jacob-Emma
April Lynn Van Auken b 15 Aug 1984 daughter of Bobby S Van Auken and
Alice Irene McPherson, was born at Fort Stewart Army Base, Geo rga.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo
Robert-Bobby-April L
Ina May Van Auken daughter of Daniel Van Auken and Betsy Jane Osborne.
Married: Harry Fisher
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Ida May
Delra Van Auken daughter of Daniel Van Auken and Betsy Jane Osborne.
Died:1908,Burried: Breesport Baptist Church Cemetery, Breesport Chemu ng County, New York. Separate Tombstone.
Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Jacobus-Jacob J-Solomon-Daniel-Delra
!Elizabeth Michelle Van Auken, b 15 May 1992 born out of wedlock to
Angela Van Auken, daughter of Bobby S. Van Auken and Alic e Irene
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo-Robert L-
Bobby S-Angela M-Elizabeth M
!Tina Marie Thompson, b 13 Jun 1972, daughter of Bonnie Marie Van Auk en
& Kenneth Dale Thompson.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-
Robert L-Bonnie M-Tina M
Holly Bernice Van Auken b 6 Feb 1983 daughter of Bobby S Van Auken
and Alice Irene McPherson, was born Fort Stewart Army Base Georga.
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo
Robert-Bobby-Holly B
Angela Michelle Van Auken b 29 Jun 1975 daughter of Bobby S Van Auke n and
Alice Irene McPherson
Married: Jeffery Sedlacek 14 Jul 1995.in Shawnee, Seminole County, ok lahoma
LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo-Robert-
Bobby S-Angela M
!Jeffery Sedlacek b son of
!Married:Angela Michelle Van Auken 14 Jun 1995, daughter of Bobby Stu ts
Van Auken and Alice Irene McPherson
|Bryce Alton Van Auken, b 29 May 1996, son of Keith Alan Van Auken
& Molly Ann Holland.
!Note:Was born San Diego Navy Hospital, at 1738 hours, 9 pounds, 21 1 /4
inches long.
|Line: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C.-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-
Robert L-Keith-Bryce A
!Kennith Dale Thompson b , son of Lawrance Thompson & ..... Cravins
!Married:Bonnie Marie Van Auken, May 1971. Divorced.
!Thor James (TJ) Van Auken was born 9 Nov 1983, at Nellas Air Force B ase, Las
Vages, Nevada to Larry B. Van Auken and Lisa Gwen Justice.
!Note:After the divorce of Mom and Dad, Dad received Custody of Tho r (TJ).
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo B-Rober t L
Larry B-Thor J
!Jessica Denise Sedlack, b 7 Oct 1996, daughter of Angela Michelle V an Auken
and Jeffery Sedlack.
!LINE:Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Benjamin-Jacob C-Benjamin-Amzie-Leo-Rober t L-
Bobby S-Angela M-Jessica D
!.....????? Westbrook
!Married: Cora Van Auken in 1899. b 1880 daughter of Daniel Van Auke n & Ada
!Gideon Van Auken, b 1828, son of Moses Van Auken and Mary Van Etten
!LINE: Marinus-Isaac-Jacob-Harmanus-Moses-Gideon
!Manis (Harmanus) Van Auken, b ////, d 1864, son of Moses Van Auken a nd Mary
Van Etten.
!Married: Elizabeth Edwards
Mary Van Etten
Married:Moses Van Auken, b 10 Mar 1787, d 1863 son of Harmanus Van Au ken &
Hannah Wood.
NAME Family History Library
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NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
NAME Family History Library
ADDR 35 N West Temple Street
CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA