by Robert Leo Van Auken
This page is for all of Isaac VA’s Descendants. E-mail me or Contact me by snail mail with your comments or suggestions for a World Wide Isaac VA Family Roots Home Page. If you are searching for a person out of Isaac’s family you have a much better chance of finding the people that you want by sending a private message to me. My personal data base is already posted and any new material will be integrated just as soon as I get enough time. There are several very kind and helpful researchers with very large VA databases that you can also check into on our main site at
Robert L Van Auken
924 West Proctor Ave
Waterford, Oklahoma
Zip 73096-4432
This documents my line from Marinus Van Auken. Marinus was the first of the Van Aukens to come to America.
The Van Auken Family name appears in old records with a variety of spellings including: Van Aaken, Van Aken, Van Akin, and Van Auken, and probably few other. Van means of or from Despite the various spellings we are all from Marinus Van Aaken as it was spelled when he first arrived in America between 1683-1685, I say this as he was married 11 Apr 1683 and all his children were born in Kingston from 1685 - 1702.
The following is an extract from the VAN AUKEN NEWSLETTER Vol 1, No 3, 15 Aug 1984 page 24:
Marinus Van Aken - “Marinus, who is said to have been born about 1669, I place as son of Peter Van Aken and Weyntjen Marren”. (A.M. Ronk).
However , there is considerable doubt as to the accuracy of the statement. No birth record has been found for Marinus. Moreover, he appears as more likely to be the son of Pieter van Aken of Cadzand, Holland as there is a Dutch marriage record that seems to apply, giving the proper names of both Marinus and his wife, Pieternelle. Marriage banns were announced 20 March 1683 in Cadzand for Marinus van Aken, widow of Prijntje Rents, with Pieternelle de Pre.
![]() | Surname List of all the other names included on this Isaac VA page |
![]() | Name List (start here if you are looking for a name that you know) |
![]() | Start with Marinus Van Aken who was the beginning in 1684 at Kingston (Esophus) |
Marinus - Kingston, NY
... Isaac - Pike Co, PA
..... Jacob - Rochester, Orange Co, Ny
....... Benjamin - Minisink, Sussex Co, NJ
......... Jacob - Walpack, Sussex Co, Nj
........... Benjamin - Delaware, Pike Co, Pa
............. Amzie - Plymouth, Luzern Co., Pa
............... Leo Benjamin - Plymouth, Luzerne Co, Pa
................. Robert Leo - Berwick, Columbia Co, Pa