VA Newsletter Order Form

Ann Croston, Editor					
PO Box 296
Dennis, MA 02638


The VA Newsletter was formed to share family history information among "cousins" and other interested parties, and to further research into the background of our ancestors.

A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants.
(Macauley in History of England).

Published Quarterly:  February 15
May 15
August 15
November 15

  Editor:  Ann Croston  
                PO Box 296
                Dennis, Ma 02638-0296


Content: Address Lists   Vital RecordsBook List    Articles   Cemetery Records   Indexes    News & Notes   Census Records   Miscellanea    Family Group Sheets   Queries   Lost Cousins

Contributing Editor:   Robert A. Van Auken

Content:    Skeleton in the Closet   Personalities...   Readings...

Subscription Cost:    4 Issues with Annual Letter and Index     $8.00/year 

Newsletter Order Form

The Van Aken/Van Auken Newsletter is established as a non-profit venture.