WARNING: We do not have proof that this is a family with the father named JOHN VAN AKEN/ VANNOCKER OR VAN OCKER. The connection is highly circumstantial based on the commonness of locality, names and dates. We welcome all comments, additions and corrections. Please contact Ann Croston acroston@aol.com with updates.


We have many “cousins” related on these lines and help with researching, especially in Albany, Schenectady, Genesee, and Chenango Co, NY, would be very much appreciated.


There has been some suggestion that John Van Nocker/Van Ocker could be of the lines:


            Marinus, Pieter, John, John….

            Marinus, Pieter, Jan, Johannes…

            Marinus, Pieter, Gideon, Johannes…


Research on these lines might prove or disprove a connection.




            B ca 1740-1755


Possible Children:


John            b ca 1768/9             mar Dorothea Sullivan (See John Vannocker Page)

Henry            b ca 1771    mar Catherine ------ (Danford/Danforth?)     See below.

Gideon            b 1776             mar ------ ---------                                         See below.

?Peter            b ca 1769    See Peter L. Van Ocker Page




            b ca 1774‑1776

            mar ??



             + John                         b      1799                mar 2nd Nancy Vedder

             + Andrew                        b   Oct1802                      mar Diana Woodward

                                                                         sister of Phidelia & Jeremiah Woodward

               Male                         b 1804‑1806

             2 Females                        b 1800‑1805

             + William                         b 11Mar1812                  mar Tamson Cooley

               Male                              b 1810‑1820

               Female                         b 1810‑1815                   ? Sarah

             2 Females                        b 1810‑1820

               Male                              b 1820‑1825


Gideon an early settler of Chenango Co. NY

1800 Census p 956: DeRuyter Chenango Co., NY  John VA nearby 26‑45, fem 26‑45

1810 Census p 784, Lennox, Madison Co., NY (21110-2001) 

            near Henry b 1771.  Henry VO & Blanchards here also.

1820 Census p 256, Riga, Genesee Co., NY (near Henry 1771) 211210-31010 4 in agriculture.

1830 Census p 396, Elba, Genesee Co., NY 01000001-00100001

1832 Purchased land Elba, Genesee Co., NY (T13R2)


A Gideon Van Auken in 1st Regt Ulster Co a plaintiff in Madison County Court in 1810.



            b    ca 1771 NY

            d after 1850 MI



            Catherine   ??  (Danford d/o Asa 1746‑1818 MA

                                 & Hannah (Wheeler) Danford)

            b 1770 ‑ 1780 NY

            d 1840 ‑ 1850 MI



             3 females             b 1800‑1804            d or mar before 1830

               Lovisa              b   ca 1805    mar Nathan Bragg

               Hannah             b 28Nov1807            mar Joel Bragg

             + David Danford            b 11Jul1811            mar Lois Blount

             + William H.                    b 19Jun1814            mar Esther Hodges

             + Gideon             b   ca 1818    mar Lydia McConnell

               female              b 1810‑1820

             ? Sarah               b      1816    mar John Slusser (per LH)


1810 Lenox, Madison Co., NY, p 158, 5 females under 5, near Gideon VA.

1820 Riga, Genesee Co., NY, p 256, (300001-11301), near Gideon VA.

1828 & 1833 Henry bought land in Barre, Orleans Co., NY.

1830 Barre, Orleans Co. NY, p 19, (00120001-f 40-50) ? female under 5** near Joel Bragg.

1840 Summerfield, Monroe Co. MI.

1850 Same, Henry living with David.


** David D was mar 1829 but seems to still be living at home on the 1830 census.   




28Oct1835 Indenture between Henry Vannocker of Summerfield Monroe Co., MI & Parker Bloomfield of same place, for $200 by Bloomfield paid to VN for land in Summerfield. 40 ac T6R6 Sect 31. Signed Henry Vannocker. WIT: Levi Bagge & Azel Hooker. Terr of MI.